SearchLinkInteractionInput() is used to input data for a search link interaction

Table: SearchLinkInteractionInput

arguments[ArgumentInput]yes A search link arguments. See ArgumentInput.
fieldInteractionConditions[FieldInteractionConditionInput]yes The field interaction conditions. See FieldInteractionConditionInput.
isLivebooleanyes Whether the search is for live data.
namestringyes The name of the search link interaction.
openInNewTabbooleanyes Whether to open in a new tab.
queryStringstringyes The query string to use.
repoOrViewNameRepoOrViewName  The name of the view. See RepoOrViewName is a scalar.
titleTemplatestring  The title of the template.
useWidgetTimeWindowbooleanyes Whether to use the time window widget.

[a] Some arguments may be required, as indicated in this column. For some fields, this column indicates that a result will always be returned for it.