Top applications over time Top applications

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Time Chart
Top users (all events) Summary of top users by count of ALL events for a user. Note that this includes 'flow' events in PingOne so total events is not equal to authentication success + failures.

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Top applications Breakdown of top applications

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Pie Chart
Users enrolled Count of users enrolled

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Top users - authentication success Users with highest number of authentication successes

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Successful authentications Successful authentications per hour

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Authentication failure reasons Breakdown of failed authentications by their type

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Pie Chart
Failed authentications Failed authentications per day

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Authentication failure reasons over time Failed authentications by failure type

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Time Chart
Top users - authentication failures Users with highest number of authentication failures

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Top applications Top applications

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Bar Chart
Successful authentications Successful authentications per day

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Authentication success/failure Breakdown of authentication attempts by success/failure

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Pie Chart
Failed authentications Failed authentications per hour

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Authentications over time Breakdown of successful and failed authentications

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Time Chart
Password activity
Password resets per day Password resets per day

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Account lockouts per day Account lockouts per day

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Password resets and lockouts over time Volume of password resets and lockouts over time

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Time Chart
Total account lockouts Count of account lockouts over selected time span

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Password reset details Summary of password reset activity

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Event List
Short lived accounts (<1 hour) Accounts deleted within one hour of being created

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Total password resets Count of password resets over selected time span

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Policy and MFA
Breakdown by policy Breakdown of authentications by their policy (only successful authentications)

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Pie Chart
Authentication by policy over time Breakdown of authentications by their policy (only successful authentications)

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Time Chart
MFA by type over time Breakdown of MFA authentications by their type (only successful authentications)

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Time Chart
MFA by type Breakdown of MFA authentications by their type (only successful authentications)

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Pie Chart