humio/insights Dashboards

Bucket Storage
Bytes read/written from/to bucket storage

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Time Chart
Download queue cap size hits Shows the number of times the request download queue size cap is hit

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Time Chart
Searches fetching data from bucket storage Shows the queries that is fetching data from bucket storage. This happens when data is not available on local disks in the cluster

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Download queue free slots Shows the number of free slots for segment downloads in the bucket storage download queue

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Time Chart
Bucket Storage Status

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Bucket storage upload latency (max per partition) Shows how long the oldest segment has been waiting after it has been ingested.

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Time Chart
Current segment downloads Shows the number of segments downloads currently in progress

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Time Chart
Data transferred for files
File data sent between nodes This graph sums the amount of data transferred from nodes to nodes. Based on uploaded-files that are mirrored to a node from another node. This excludes any files mirrored from bucket storage.

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Time Chart
File data sent to nodes from buckets or nodes This graph sums the amount of data transferred to nodes either from bucket or other nodes. Based on uploaded-files that are mirrored to a node.

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Time Chart
File data sent from buckets to nodes This graph sums the amount of data transferred from bucket storage to nodes. Based on uploaded-files that are mirrored to a node from bucket storage. This excludes any data mirrored from other nodes.

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Time Chart
Sample of file data sent from buckets to nodes This graphs sums the data transferred from bucket storage to individual nodes. Based on uploaded-files mirrored from bucket storage to nodes, excluding data mirrored between nodes. There are too many nodes to show them all. Instead this is meant to give a general indication of how well the file transfer is distributed among nodes.

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Time Chart
Sample of file data sent between node pairs This graph sums the data transferred between specific node pairs. Based on uploaded-files that are mirrored between nodes, excluding data mirrored from bucket storage. There are too many node pairs to show them all. Instead this is meant to give a general indication of how well the data transfer is distributed among node pairs.

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Time Chart
Ingest Latency

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Time Chart
Errors Grouped

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Slow Warnings

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Time Chart
HotSpot Crashes This widget looks for fatal exits of the JVM, as these can indicate the HotSpot compiler crashed. This is fairly rare, but can at times happen when the LogScale regex engine hits a bug in the JVM -- but other causes are also possible. This graph should almost always be empty, and if it shows many incidents grouped close together, it is likely related to a bug in the JVM. PLEASE NOTE that this widget only shows relevant data if stdout logs from the LogScale JVM instances are shipped to the repository being inspected.

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Event List
Aggregate Alerts With Other Errors Aggregate alerts with errors, which don't originate from invoking actions

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Time Chart
HTTP Errors 400s

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Time Chart
Search Queue

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Time Chart
Global Snapshot File Size

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Time Chart
Scheduled Search Action Errors

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Time Chart
Missing Nodes

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Time Chart
Aggregate Alert Action Errors

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Time Chart
Errors Over Time

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Time Chart
Filter Alert Action Errors

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Time Chart
Failed HTTP Checks

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Time Chart
Legacy Alerts With Other Errors Legacy alerts with errors, which don't originate from invoking actions

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Time Chart
Global Transactions (Per Second)

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Time Chart
FDR Ingest Errors

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Time Chart
Missing Segments Reported By ClusterManagement

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Time Chart
Node Shutdowns

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Time Chart
HTTP Errors 500s

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Time Chart
Legacy Alert Action Errors

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Time Chart
Scheduled Searches With Other Errors Scheduled searches with errors, which don't originate from invoking actions

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Time Chart
Filter Alerts With Other Errors Filter alerts with errors, which don't originate from invoking actions

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Time Chart
CPU Usage In Percent

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Time Chart
Ingest Errors

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Time Chart
JVM Hiccups (Millis) - Max Time For No-op Operation

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Time Chart
Failed HTTP Checks

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Time Chart
Humio Versions

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Time Chart
Memory: Humio Process (RSS)

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Time Chart
Memory: JVM Heap Usage in Percent

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Time Chart
Logged events

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Time Chart
Secondary Disk Usage (%)

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Time Chart
Open File Descriptors

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Time Chart
Mini-segment percentage of available primary disk

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Time Chart
CPU Load

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Time Chart
Memory: System Usage %

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Time Chart
JVM Off Heap Memory Allocated

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Time Chart
Memory: JVM Heap Usage

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Time Chart
Node Shutdowns

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Time Chart
Humio Version

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CPU Architecture

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Primary Disk Usage (%)

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Time Chart
JVM Garbage Collection Time

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Time Chart
Networking (Bytes per second)

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Time Chart
CPU Usage: Thread Group Ticks

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Time Chart
Temp disk usage (Bytes)

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Time Chart
Missing Nodes

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Time Chart
CPU Usage In Percent

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Time Chart
Failed HTTP checks between nodes

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Cluster Time Skew (Millis)

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Time Chart
HTTP Ingest Endpoint Usage (Per Second)

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Time Chart
Datasources Hitting Max Autoshards

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Time Chart
Http Ingest Request With Status Code > 400 (Per Second)

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Time Chart
Number Of Live Searches Per Host

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Time Chart
Datasources Auto Sharding

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Ingest/Digest Per Repo (bytes per day after ingest queue)

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Time Chart
Ingest Partition Changes

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Time Chart
Parsers Using The Most Time (Millis)

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Ingest/Digest Per Host (bytes per day after ingest queue)

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Time Chart
Ingest Per Host (events per second before ingest queue)

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Time Chart
Ticks spend in Digest and Live searches (Millis Per Second)

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Time Chart
Ingest Errors (Per Second)

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Time Chart
Ingest Offset Progress

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Time Chart
HTTP Ingest requests (Per Second)

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Time Chart
Ingest Latency Per Host (Digest)

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Time Chart
Events Put On Ingest Queue

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Time Chart
Ingest Latency Per Partition (Digest)

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Time Chart
CPU Usage In Percent

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Time Chart
Time Spend In Parsers (Millis per second)

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Time Chart
Datasources Increasing Or Decreasing Auto Sharding

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Time Chart
Ingest Per Repo (events per second before ingest queue)

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Time Chart
Node Shutdowns

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Time Chart
Number Of Datasources Per Repo

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Time Chart
HTTP Ingest Request Response Time (Millis)

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Time Chart
Killed Live Queries Because Of Ingest Delay

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Time Chart
HTTP Ingest Request Size (Bytes)

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Time Chart
Out Of Sync Queues

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Time Chart
Ingest Queue: Out Of Sync Partitions

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Ingest Queue: Uncompressed Bytes Written (Bytes/Sec)

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Time Chart
Kafka Topic Partitions

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Ingest Queue: Request Size 75th Percentiles (Bytes)

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Time Chart
Global: Time Blocked Waiting For Write (P75) (Millis)

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Time Chart
TransientChatter Queue: Out Of Sync Partitions

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Chatter: Bytes Per Second By Kind

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Time Chart
Global: Request Per Second

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Time Chart
Global Events Queue: Out Of Sync Partitions

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Ingest Queue: Puts per second (per host)

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Time Chart
Chatter: Bytes Per Second

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Time Chart
Chatter: Requests Per Second

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Time Chart
Global: Transactions Per Second

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Time Chart
Lag Reading Ingest Queue This is a Kafka metric. records-lag-max. The lag in terms of number of records for each partition in this window. An increasing value over time is your best indication that the consumer group is not keeping up with the producers.

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Time Chart
Ingest Queue: Put Response Times Percentile (Millis)

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Time Chart
Lookup tables
Largest files loaded - original disk size Largest file (size on disk) loaded into into the file cache within the given timespan

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Time Chart
Number of cached lookup tables Number of lookup tables registered in the lookup table coordinator

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Time Chart
Number of lookup files in cache Number of files registered in the uploaded file cache

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Time Chart
Longest load time Longest load time for a file loaded into the file cache within the given timespan

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Time Chart
Number of cached index-structures Number of index-structures registered in the lookup table coordinator

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Time Chart
Uploaded file cache size Size of files in the uploaded file cache

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Time Chart
Largest files loaded - size in memory Largest file (size in memory) loaded into into the file cache within the given timespan

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Time Chart
Number of queued loading tasks Maximum number of pending tasks queued for loading lookup tables since latest sample for metrics

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Time Chart
Number of queries with files in cache Number of queries registered in the lookup table coordinator

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Time Chart
Ingest/Digest Per Host (bytes per day after ingest queue)

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Time Chart
Ingest Per Host (events per second before ingest queue)

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Time Chart
Search Queue

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Time Chart
Errors Grouped

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Requests Per Second

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Time Chart
Ingest Latency Per Host (Digest)

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Time Chart
CPU Usage In Percent

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Time Chart
Ingest Errors

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Time Chart
Errors Over Time

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Time Chart
JVM Hiccup (Millis) - Max Time For No-op Operation

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Time Chart
Parsers Using The Most Time (Millis)

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Parser Limiting Job / Top parsers

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Ingest/Digest Per Host (bytes per day after ingest queue)

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Time Chart
Parser Limiting Job (blocks at 100)

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Time Chart
503 - Ingest parsing exceeded the acceptable amount of time

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Time Chart
Ingest Latency Per Host (Digest)

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Time Chart
CPU Usage In Percent

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Time Chart
Time Spend In Parsers (Millis per second)

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Time Chart
Node Shutdowns

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Time Chart
Parsers being throttled

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Event List
Permission cache hit vs. miss For each request stemming from a user, all the permissions for this user is in some cases fetched. A cache exists to ensure that these permissions are not fetched multiple times. This time chart shows all permissions lookup vs. permission lookups resulting in a cache miss. The chart is divided into each level of permission. The purpose is to measure the value of the caches.

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Time Chart
Average time spent on permissions checking (ms) This chart shows the average time spent on a permission check across all permissions.

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Time Chart
Number of permission checks pr. permission This chart shows the number of permission checks over time for each permission.

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Time Chart
Average time spent on permission check pr. permission (ms) This chart shows the time spent on average pr permission check for each permission.

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Time Chart
Segment bytes unassigned from host due to eviction Segment bytes unassigned from host due to eviction either through EvictedHostRemoval or EvictedHostReplacement.

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Time Chart
Segment bytes unassigned from host due to OR Segment bytes assigned to host due to over-replication.

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Time Chart
Segment bytes assigned to host due to host eviction. Segment bytes assigned to host due to eviction of another host.

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Time Chart
Segment bytes assigned to host due to zoning Segment bytes assigned to host to improve zoning.

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Time Chart
Segment bytes assigned to host due to UR Segment bytes assigned to host due to under-replication.

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Time Chart
Segment bytes assigned to host due to disk balance Segment bytes assigned to host due to disk imbalance.

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Time Chart
Ingest endpoint Usage (Per Second)

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Time Chart
Ingest Requests (Per Second)

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Time Chart
Streaming Query submits (Per Minute)

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Time Chart
External Query Requests (Per Second)

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Time Chart
Internal Query Requests (Per Second)

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Time Chart
Ingest Request Responsetime (Millis)

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Time Chart
Query Submits (Per Minute)

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Time Chart
Ingest Request Size (Bytes)

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Time Chart
Statuscode >=400 (Per Second)

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Time Chart
Ingest Requests With Statuscode >= 400

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Time Chart
Query Submits Per Repo (Per Minute)

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Time Chart
Response Times (Millis)

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Time Chart
Requests Per Second

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Time Chart
Segments And Datasources
Merged Segments Sizes (Bytes)

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Time Chart
Time Spend Merging A Segment

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Time Chart
Segment Merge Latency (ms)

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Time Chart
Segment Merges Per Hour

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Time Chart
Time Spend Merging (Seconds Per Second)

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Time Chart
Blocks In Merged Segment

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Time Chart
Global Snapshot File Size

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Time Chart
Number Of Datasources In Repositories

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Time Chart