
VendorTausight Inc.
Minimum LogScale Version1.20.0

The Tausight - LogScale integration allows the security and compliance team in a healthcare organization to discover and identify potential risks or non-compliance with HIPAA security rules for unstructured ePHI and PII data storage and usage.

This package provides a parser for Tausight ePHI Platform events in JSON format.

Breaking Changes

This update includes parser changes, which means that data ingested after upgrade will not be backwards compatible with logs ingested with the previous version.

Updating to version 1.0.0 or newer will therefore result in issues with existing queries in for example dashboards or alerts created prior to this version.

See CrowdStrike Parsing Standard (CPS) 1.0 for more details on the new parser schema.

Follow the CPS Migration to update your queries to use the fields and tags that are available in data parsed with version 1.0.0.

Package Contents Explained

This package is supported by Tausight. For any assistance using this package, please contact Tausight via support@tausight.com. See the package readme.md for more information.