Obsidian Security Overview
Most recent alert timestamp Displays the timestamp of the most recent system alert.

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Single Value
Alerts today (vs yesterday) Displays the number of Obsidian security alerts in a 1 day timespan.

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Single Value
MITRE ATT&CK - by count Displays a list of MITRE ATT@CK occurrences by tactic, technique, and number detected.

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Heat Map
Alerts by service timechart Displays a time chart of Obsidian Security service alerts.

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Time Chart
Alerts by severity Displays a pie chart of Obsidian alerts by severity.

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Pie Chart
MITRE ATT&CK by total risk Displays a heat map of MITRE ATT@CK data by total risk score using event risk score data.

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Heat Map
Most recent alert timestamp by service Displays a table of the most recent alert timestamp organized by service, using Obsidian Security data.

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Alerts by severity timechart Displays a chart of Obsidian Security alerts by severity.

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Time Chart
Obsidian Security Posture Management
Compliance Drift Alert Displays a table of compliance drift alerts.

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Compliance by Transition Displays a table of a user's compliance posture by transition.

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Compliance By Domain Displays a pie chart of compliance status by domain.

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Pie Chart
Compliance by Severity Displays a pie chart of compliance posture by severity.

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Pie Chart
Compliance by Name Displays a pie chart of compliance posture by vendor name.

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Pie Chart
Compliance by Status Displays a list of vendors and their compliance status.

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Pie Chart
Obsidian Security Threat Management
Incident by Service Displays a pie chart of Obsidian security incidents by service name.

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Pie Chart
Incident by Severity Displays a pie chart of Obsidian security incidents by severity.s

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Pie Chart
Incident Summary Displays a table of Obsidian Security event summary data including event date and time, workflow status, event risk score, etc.

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Incident Status Displays a pie chart of Obsidian Security incident threat statuses.

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Pie Chart