Audit - Falcon UI Logs
Top UserId -> OperationName Displays a list of user IDs and an audit of their activity by operation name.

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Top Users and Operations Displays a heat map of top users and their operations and timestamp using IP locations data.

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Heat Map
Top Operations Displays a pie chart of the top 5 operations and their IP location.

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Pie Chart
Top OperationName -> ServiceName Displays a flowchart of the top operation names to their respective service name.

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Top Services Displays a pie chart of the top 5 event services and associated data.

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Pie Chart
Top Users by Activity Displays a pie chart of the top 5 users by activity.

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Pie Chart
Audit Details Displays a table of audit events and their details.

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User Activity Displays a chart of user activity and associated data by user ID then limits results to the first 10 entries.

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Time Chart
Detections - By AgentId
Detections by Tactic Displays a pie chart of event detections.

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Pie Chart
Detection Rate Displays a chart of events and their detection rate over a one hour timespan.

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Time Chart
Map: Severity -> Technique Displays a flow chart of a system's events, and their severity and technique.

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Detections by Severity Displays a pie chart of detections by severity.

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Pie Chart
Detections by Technique Displays a chart of API event detections by technique, organized by computer name, agent ID, and customer ID.

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Bar Chart
Detection by Attack Displays a table of detections by attack.

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Detection: Grandparent File -> Parent File Displays a flowchart of event detection parent and grandparent files by file name.

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Detection: Parent File -> File Displays a flowchart of detections by parent file and file.

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Map: Technique -> Tactic Displays a flow diagram of technique and tactic data.

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Detection Table Displays a summary of detected events based on Agent and Customer ID by username, file path, file name, severity, tactic, technique, etc then arranges them in table format.

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Detections by Host Displays a table of external API event detections by host.

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Detections by User Displays a table of event detections by user.

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Detections - By Alert Type
Detections by Tactic Displays a pie chart of event detections.

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Pie Chart
Detection Rate Displays a chart of events and their detection rate over a one hour timespan.

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Time Chart
Map: Severity -> Technique Displays a flow chart of a system's events, and their severity and technique.

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Detections by Severity Displays a pie chart of detections by severity.

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Pie Chart
Detections by Technique Displays a chart of API event detections by technique, organized by computer name, agent ID, and customer ID.

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Bar Chart
Detection by Attack Displays a table of detections by attack.

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Detection: Grandparent File -> Parent File Displays a flowchart of event detection parent and grandparent files by file name.

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Detection: Parent File -> File Displays a flowchart of detections by parent file and file.

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Map: Technique -> Tactic Displays a flow diagram of technique and tactic data.

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Detection Table Displays a summary of detected events based on Agent and Customer ID by username, file path, file name, severity, tactic, technique, etc then arranges them in table format.

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Detections by Host Displays a table of external API event detections by host.

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Detections by User Displays a table of event detections by user.

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Detections - Event Summary
Total Endpoints Unique Falcon Agent ID values with endpoint detections.

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Single Value
Falcon Actions Number of preventions versus detections issued by Falcon. This directly correlates with the configured prevention policy for the target endpoint.

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Bar Chart
Top Subnets with Endpoint Detections Displays a table of top subnets and their associated endpoint detections then limits results to the first 100 entries.

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Top Users with Endpoint Detections Displays a table of top users with endpoint detections by username and severity in descending order, then limits the results to the first 100 entries.

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Detections by Severity Detection count by maximum severity.

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Pie Chart
Top Endpoint Detections by Severity Weight Displays a table of API endpoint security detections by severity weight and limits results to the first 100 entries.

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Top Machine Domains with Endpoint Detections Displays a table of top machine domains with endpoint detections and limits results to the first 100 entries.

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Total Detections Total number of unique endpoint detections.

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Single Value
Total Behaviors Total number of behaviors detected (note: a single detection can contain multiple behaviors).

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Single Value
Potential Preventions Actions Falcon would have blocked had the requisite prevention policy setting been enabled.

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Single Value
Falcon Action by Severity Falcon action taken by detection severity.

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Detections - File Vantage
File Integrity Alerts by User Displays a chart of file integrity alerts by user.

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Bar Chart
File Vantage Alerts Displays a table of file vantage alerts and associated data.

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File Vantage Alerts by Criticality Displays a list of File Vantage alerts by criticality (Low, Medium, High, and Critical).

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Pie Chart
File Integrity Alerts Displays a chart of file integrity alerts in a 1 hour timespan.

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Time Chart
File Integrity Alerts by Operation Displays a list of file integrity alerts by operation, including create, write, delete, set, and rename.

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Bar Chart
File Vantage Alerts by Platform Displays a list of file vantage alerts by platform.

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Pie Chart
File Vantage Alerts by File Name Displays a pie chart of file vantage alerts by file name.

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Pie Chart
File Integrity Alerts by Object Displays a list of file integrity alerts by object, including, 'file', 'folder', 'value', and 'key'.

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Bar Chart
Detections - MITRE ATT&CK Evaluation
Tactic by Time Displays a list of external API events and detection tactics over time and organized by agent ID.

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Heat Map
Top 25 Endpoints by Tactic Displays a table of the top 25 endpoints by tactic.

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Tactic Distribution Displays a pie chart of tactic distribution.

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Pie Chart
Technique Distribution Displays a list of events that summarize detection techniques by user ID.

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Pie Chart
Tactic to Technique - Weighted by Severity Displays a flow chart of event tactics and their associated technique, weighted by severity.

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Top 25 Endpoints by Technique Displays a table of the top 25 API endpoints by technique and limits the results to the first 25 entries.

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Heatmap by Tactic and Technique Displays a heat map by severity of tactic and technique data .

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Heat Map
Top 25 Triggering Files by Tactic and Technique Displays a table of the top 25 triggering files by tactic and technique and limits results to the first 25 entries.

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Top 25 Tactic and Technique Combinations Displays a list of tactic and technique combinations and limits them to the top 25 entries.

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Tactic and Technique - Stacked Displays a bar chart of external events and their tactic and technique data.

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Bar Chart
Health - Cloud Workload Protection
Pod Service Account Names Displays a table of pod service account names.

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Single Value
Pod Detections by Name Displays a pie chart of Kubernetes pod detections by name.

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Pie Chart
Pod Detections by Severity Displays a pie chart of Kubernetes pod detections by severity.

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Pie Chart
Pod Namespaces Displays a list of pod namespaces.

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Single Value
Sensor List Displays a table of sensors and limits results to the first 20,000 entries.

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Pod Detections Displays a list of events in a user's Kubernetes pod.

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Single Value
Sensor Locations Displays a world map of sensor locations using pod information.

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World Map
Detection Events Displays a table of Kubernetes detection events with severity data and detection names then limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Linux Kernel Versions Displays a list of OS version information and Linux kernel versions and sets the limit of entries to maximum.

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Bar Chart
Total Pods Displays the total number of pods.

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Single Value
Health - Inventory of Installed Software
Product Versions Displays a pie chart of product versions.

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Pie Chart
Product Names Displays a chart of an application's associated product and company names.

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Bar Chart
Software Inventory Displays a table of software inventory and associated data (company name, product name, file version) in descending order.

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Software Companies Displays a list of software companies and application information.

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Bar Chart
Health - Linux Sensors
Linux Sensor Status Displays a pie chart of Linux sensor status by category including 'user mode', 'kernel mode', and 'RFM'.

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Pie Chart
Pod Namespaces Displays a list of pod namespaces.

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Single Value
Sensor List Displays a table of sensors and limits results to the first 20,000 entries.

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Endpoints with Root Logons Displays a table of endpoints with root logons then limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Linux Sensors in RFM Displays a list of Linux sensors in RFM.

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Single Value
Top 10 SSH Destinations Creates a table that details the top 10 SSH destinations by country and city.

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Sensor Locations Displays a world map of sensor locations using pod information.

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World Map
Linux Kernel Versions Displays a list of OS version information and Linux kernel versions and sets the limit of entries to maximum.

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Bar Chart
Top 10 Listening Ports Displays a list of the top 10 listening ports in ascending order.

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Total Pods Displays the total number of pods.

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Single Value
Health - Monitor Deployment
Active Sensors Displays a list of active sensors on a world map.

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World Map
Number of Hosts Displays a chart of the number of hosts online in a 6 hour timespan.

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Time Chart
Hosts by Platform Displays a pie chart of hosts by platform.

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Pie Chart
Hosts by Platform Displays a table of hosts by platform.

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OS - Windows Account Discovery
Windows net Usage by Flag (Sankey) Displays a flowchart of Windows net usage by flag.

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[T1087.002] Account Discovery - Domain Account Displays a table of account discovery - domain account instances and associated data.

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Windows Net Flag Usage by Week Displays a chart of Windows net flag usage by week.

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Time Chart
[T1087.001] Account Discovery - Local Account Displays a table of local accounts using account discovery sub-technique T1087.001 and associated data.

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Windows net Usage by Flag Displays a heat map of Windows net usage by flag.

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Heat Map
OS - Windows User Logon Activity
Avg Password Age Displays the average password age of a user in days.

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Single Value
Logon Trends by Logon Type Displays a chart of logon trends by logon type.

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Time Chart
Logon Table Displays a table of logons by user ID and age of password.

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Stale Passwords Passwords over 365 days old.

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Single Value
RDP Connections by Destination IP Create a map of RDP connections of users based on their destination IP address.

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World Map
SID Collisions Displays a list of SID collisions by user ID and limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Single Value
Endpoint Location by External IP Displays a world map of endpoint locations by external IP.

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World Map
Search - Acquire Host Details
Firewall Rules Set Displays a table of set firewall rules and associated data (name, protocol, computer name, app name, direction, profile, etc.)

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Network Connection Destinations Displays a world map of network connection destinations by IP address.

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World Map
Powershell Activities Displays a table of PowerShell activities and their associated data, then limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Cloud Instance Info Displays a table of cloud instance information then limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Parent to Child Process Displays a flow chart of the parent file to child file process.

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Network Connections Displays a table of network connections and their details, including timestamp, IP address, port data, etc. and limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Command History Displays a table of a user's command history then limits the results to the first 1000 entries.

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Listening Ports Displays a table of ports that are listening and associated data, then limits results to the first 200 entries.

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Uniqe ASEP Values Updated Displays a list of unique ASEP values that have been updated.

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Single Value
Unique Browser-Injected Threads Displays the number of unique browser-injected threads by computer name.

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Single Value
Top DNS Requests Displays a list of top DNS requests by domain name.

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Falcon Links Displays a table of real time response data including user search, zero trust assessment data, etc. then limits the results to the first 10 entries.

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Scripts Written Displays a table of scripts written and limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Manual Registry Additions Displays a list of manual registry additions and groups them by user ID, file name, etc. then sorts them by time stamp and limits to the first 1000 entries.

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Unique ASEP Keys Updated Displays a list of ASEP keys that have been updated.

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Single Value
Host Info Displays a table of host information including city, country, product type, version, etc.

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Java Injected Threads Displays a list of Java injected threads.

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Single Value
Files Written to Removable Media Displays files that have been written to a removable media source.

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Event List
User Logons Displays a table of user logons by type with additional data, then limits results to the first 200 entries.

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Schedule Tasks Displays a table of scheduled tasks with associated data (username, task name, command data, and arguments).

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Network Connections Count Displays a list of IP4 network connections.

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Local and External IPs Displays a table of local and external IP addresses and limits results to the first 100 entries.

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Detections Displays a list of API event detections.

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Admin Tools Displays a table of admin tools associated with an event and related data, then limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Packed Executable Written Displays a list of packed executables that have been written.

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Single Value
BIOS Information Retrieves detailed BIOS information, then summarizes based on computer name, system manufacturer, release date, BIOS version, etc.

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Running Services (started during selected time range) Displays a table of services that started running during a selected time range, then limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Processes Executions Displays a list of events and the processes executed.

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Injected Threads From Unsigned Modules Displays a list of injected threads from unsigned modules.

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Single Value
Unique Executables Written Displays a list of unique executables written using SHA256 hash data.

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Single Value
Executable Activities Displays a table of executable activities (deleted, renamed, added) and limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Detections Links Displays a table of detection links and additional relevant data, then limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Unique DLL Injections Displays a list of unique DLL injections.

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Single Value
Rar / Zip File Written Displays a table of RAR/zip files written and associated data then limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Host Information Displays a table of host information, including computername, agentversion, etc.)

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Search - By AgentId
Services Started Displays a table of services started on Windows platform and limits results to the first 200 entries.

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Network Connection Destinations Displays a world map of network connection destinations by IP address.

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World Map
Listening Ports Displays a table of ports that are listening and associated data, then limits results to the first 200 entries.

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Top DNS Requests Displays a list of top DNS requests by domain name.

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Heatmap: Tactics and Techniques Displays a heat map of tactics and techniques used in detected events.

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Heat Map
Top DNS IOC Hits Displays a table of top DNS IOC hits by domain name.

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Detections: Map Tactic Technique Displays a flow chart of detections by tactic and technique.

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User Logons Displays a table of user logons by type with additional data, then limits results to the first 200 entries.

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Schedule Tasks Displays a table of scheduled tasks with associated data (username, task name, command data, and arguments).

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Network Connections Count Displays a list of IP4 network connections.

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Show Query

Detections Displays a list of API event detections.

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Packed Executable Written Displays a list of packed executables that have been written.

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Single Value
Unique Executables Written Displays a list of unique executables written using SHA256 hash data.

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Single Value
Processes Displays a table of processes by file name and limits results to the first 200 entries.

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Show Query

Host Information Displays a table of host information, including computername, agentversion, etc.)

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Workflow Note Dashboard does not return results by default. You must input an aid into the parameter. The default time range is 7 days. Note
Search - By DNS
Domain Lookup Summary Displays a domain lookup summary with associated data sorted by number of hosts, then limits the results to the first 200 entries.

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Process and Domain Details Displays a table of specific processes and their domain details from a specific agent ID or ComputerName.

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Number of Hosts hitting the domain Displays a list of the number of distinct hosts hitting the domain. Query results will only be provided if ?DomainName is specified.

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Single Value
Domain Lookups by Host Displays a list of distinct hosts and the number of lookup requests they made.

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Bar Chart
Total DnsRequest Events Over Time Displays a chart of all DNS requests over a given time frame by domain name

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Time Chart
Top DnsRequest Events by DomainName Displays a list of requested DNS events by domain name and limits results to the first 10 entries.

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Time Chart
Workflow Details
  • DomainName is required as an input parameter.

  • DomainName should be lower-case.

  • Wildcards can be used for DomainName, e.g. *crowdstrike*.

  • aid and ComputerName can be used to further refine the results.

Search - By File Hash
File Execution Details (Specify FileName or SHA256) Displays a list of file execution details by file name or SHA256 and limits results to the first 20,000 entries.

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File Execution by Host Displays a pie chart of file executions by host, limited to the first 25 entries.

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Pie Chart
File Written by Hosts Displays a pie chart of files written by hosts, limited to the first 25 entries.

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Pie Chart
File Written Details (Specify ComputerName) This widget only shows result if a ComputerName is specified)

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Written on Distinct Hosts Displays a list of files written on distinct hosts.

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Single Value
Execution Activity Displays a chart of execution activity.

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Time Chart
Execution History (Specify FileName or SHA256) Display a table of execution history including execution date/time and file name, organizes it by host, and limits to the top 199 entries. Note that this query will only return results if at least one of ?FileName or ?SHA256 is specified.

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Number of Hosts Executing File Displays the number of hosts executing a specific program that have been identified as suspicious.

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Single Value
Unique Host Executions Displays a chart of unique host executions over time.

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Time Chart
Workflow Note # Workflow Start by entering a file name or a SHA256 to see results for 'Execution History', File Execution Details', and 'File Written Details'. Note
Search - By IP Address
IP Location (GeoIP) Displays a world map of IP locations based on IP-based geolocation.

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World Map
Process Executions Displays a table of process executions and limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Connection Count Displays a table of network connections then limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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IP Address Details Displays a table of IP addresses and additional data (city, state, country, latitude/longitude, etc.)

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Top 10 Endpoints Displays a table of the top 10 device endpoints.

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IP Connection History Displays a list of a user's IP connection history over time.

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Single Value
Connection Count Over Time Displays a chart of connection count over time based on IP address data.

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Time Chart
Total Connections Displays a list of total system connections.

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Single Value
Search - By Process Context
Process - Network Events Displays a table of network events TCP, ICMP, UDP, and IP data.

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Context Events by Type Displays a pie chart of context events by type.

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Pie Chart
Files Written Displays a list of files that have been written.

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Original Processes Displays a record of an original process from the command line, with an accompanying file name.

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Files Deleted Displays a list of files that have been deleted by process ID.

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Destination IPs Display a pie chart of destination IP addresses by type.

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Pie Chart
DNS Requests Displays a table of DNS requests by domain name.

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All Context Events Displays a list of all context events by ID.

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Event List
Image Hash Events Displays a table of image hash events.

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Workflow Note # Workflow Start by entering a filename. The aid is optional, but will constrain (and speed up) the search if you have it. If you find an interesting process copy the ProcessId and paste it in the parameter above to show the context events below. Note
Search - By UserName
Detection Events Displays a table of detection events with agent ID, computer name, and additional data then limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Failed Logon Events Displays a table of failed logon events by username and computer name then limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Top Events Over Time Displays a chart of the top 10 events over time.

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Time Chart
Scheduled Task Events Displays a table of registered scheduled tasks.

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Distinct Event Types by Asset Displays a table of distinct event types by asset then limits the results to the first 1000 entries.

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Successful Interactive Logon Events Displays a table of successful interactive logon events and groups the results by computer name and logon type, then limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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File Write Events Displays a table of file write events and limits results to the first 1000 entries.

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Workflow - Enter a value for the UserName input parameter. - The input is case-insensitive, e.g. USER will match both User and user in the results. Note
Search - Threat Hunting
Top Country Destinations Displays a table of top country destinations by IP address and country.

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Suspicious Leads Displays a table of suspicious lead data.

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High Entropy Domains Displays a list of high entropy domains using Akamai and limits the results to the first 20 entries.

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Top IP Destinations Displays a table of top IP destinations.

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Potential Script Obfuscation Script content rated by Shanon entropy to look for randomness as a proxy for obfuscation attempts.

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zBeta - Identify Statistical Anomalies
Calculate Statistical Deviations Displays a list of statistical deviation events and by how much, then limits results to the first 500 entries.

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Details This dashboard is designed to calculate statistical anomalies based on standard deviations. The default window is 30 days with a 7-day rolling average. Default values are provided for the parameter inputs. You can change these as needed. The Event Name and Group By drop-down values are displayed based on frequency. It is recommended that you input your own values for the specific use case, e.g. UserLogonFailed2 for the Event Name and UserName for the Group By. Note
Instructions These are the input values that can be modified: - AnomalyFactor: the number of standard deviations from the mean, e.g. 3. - EventSimpleName: the #event_simpleName value that the query should be applied to, e.g. UserLogonFailed2. - GroupByValue: the value the results should be grouped by, e.g. UserName. - RollingAverageDays: the number of days that should be used to calculate a rolling average window, e.g. 7d to compare each day to a 7-day rolling average. Note