Linux Log Format

Getting system logs and host metrics from your Linux system into LogScale allows you to monitor a large array of issues. You can

  • Find servers that have too much load

  • Detect when you are running out of disk space

  • See when services reboot or crash

  • See which user runs which commands with sudo

Host Metrics

To get standard host metrics, like CPU usage, load, and memory, use Metricbeat. For Linux host metrics, use the system module.


Metricbeat can provide a lot of metrics (many per process for example). Experiment with finding the level you need.

Example Metricbeat Configuration

  - module: system
    enabled: true
    period: 10s
      - cpu
      - load
      - filesystem
      - fsstat
      - memory
      - network
  hosts: ["https://$$YOUR_LOGSCALE_URL:443/api/v1/ingest/elastic-bulk"]
  username: $INGEST_TOKEN

Where $INGEST_TOKEN is the ingest token for your repository, (a string such as fS6Kdlb0clqe0UwPcc4slvNFP3Qn1COzG9DEVLw7v0Ii).

See Metricbeat for more information.


Example queries: You may be interested in these queries on host metrics.

System Logs (syslog)

To ship interesting system logs from /var/log/ to LogScale use Filebeat.

Example Filebeat configuration

- paths:
    - /var/log/syslog
    - /var/log/auth.log
    "@type": syslog-utc
  hosts: ["https://$YOUR_LOGSCALE_URL:443/api/v1/ingest/elastic-bulk"]
  username: $INGEST_TOKEN

Where $INGEST_TOKEN is the ingest token for your repository, (a string such as fS6Kdlb0clqe0UwPcc4slvNFP3Qn1COzG9DEVLw7v0Ii).

Notice the type is syslog-utc, which points to the built-in syslog parser, expecting the timestamp to be in UTC time. Often syslog timestamps are in local time. Create a new parser with another timezone in LogScale if necessary. You can copy the built-in syslog-utc and change the timezone. See Parsing for details.

Check out the Filebeat page for more information.

Custom Logs or Metrics

If you have custom logs or metrics you want to ship we suggest one of these strategies:

  • Append the logs/metrics to a log file and use Filebeat to ship them similarly to the system logs above.

  • Use cron to run a script that sends data to LogScale through the Ingest API.