Package microsoft/microsoft365 Release Notes

Package microsoft/microsoft365 Release Notes Version 1.1.0
  • Introduces a new "Email IOC detections" dashboard, which allows scanning your emails for matches against any indicators of compromise (IOC) as reported by CrowdStrike.

  • Includes drilldown capabilities, to easily investigate any IOC matches you might find.

  • Bumps the minimum supported version of LogScale from 1.50 to 1.77.

  • Adds a "Sender IP" parameter to the "Email investigation" dashboard, allowing easy filtering on sender IP addresses.

  • Makes a changes to presentation of data in the "Email investigation" dashboard. Most notably, the "Email details" widget is split in two, to better present the data.

  • The "Email overview" dashboard now provides a clearer view of what emails have been blocked, and also includes an overview of IOC detections on delivered emails.

  • The "Email overview" now uses the "FROM" SMTP email address to determine the sender, instead of the "MAIL FROM" address. This brings it in line with the rest of the package.

  • Some widgets have been moved from the "Email overview" dashboard to "Email threat summary".