Package apache/http-server Release Notes

Package apache/http-server Release Notes Version 1.0.1
  • Introduced a new parsing tag to differentiate logs, to make it easier to introduce custom parsers. If you have existing and untagged data that you want to keep displaying, see the migration step under __Installation__.

  • If a log does not contain a server name during ingest, the parser will create the field with value "unknown". This was previously happening during search instead.

Package apache/http-server Release Notes Version 1.0.0
  • Added separate parsers for Apache access and error logs.

  • Added custom server_name field in parsers for both access and error logs.

  • Added custom client_ip field in parser for error logs.

  • Added new dashboards - Overview, Error log analysis, HTTP errors, Visitor insights, IOC matches for client IP and IOC matches for referer domain.