microsoft/iis Dashboards

Error log analysis (from HTTPERR log file)
Top 5 servers that are associated with error events Which are the server IP addresses that appear in error log events (from HTTPERR log file)

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Time Chart
Top error messages List of error messages (from HTTPERR log file) sorted by greatest number of occurrences of each message.

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Top 5 clients associated with error events Which are the top client IP addresses that appear in error log events (from HTTPERR log file)

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Time Chart
Error log levels over time Volume of error logs by log type over time (from HTTPERR log file)

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Time Chart
Top failed requests Request details with client IP, server IP, port, request type, protocol status and error reason with number of occurrences of each

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HTTP errors
Top clients causing 4xx errors Which client IPs are causing the most 4XX errors

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Time Chart
HTTP errors over time Volume of server and client errors over time

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Time Chart
Top URLs with 5xx errors The 5 URLs with the most 5XX errors over time

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Time Chart
Top URLs with 4xx errors The 5 URLs with the most 4XX errors over time

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Time Chart
4xx codes by server Number of 4XX status codes by server

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Bar Chart
5xx codes by server Number of 5XX status codes by server

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Bar Chart
Client (4xx) and server (5xx) errors Number of 4xx (client) and 5xx (server) errors

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Pie Chart
Clients with specific 4xx errors Which Client IPs are causing most 4XX errors with the specific error code and description

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IOC matches for client IP
IOC geolocation Location of client IP addresses present in IOC. Note - location of client IP does not always correlate with actual physical location of user or system

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World Map
Threat trends Number of client IP IOC matches by confidence threshold over time

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Time Chart
Threat types Pie chart showing breakdown of threat types (linked to client IP)

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Pie Chart
Threat relationships Links client IP IOC labels to the different values of each label

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Actors Pie chart showing breakdown of threat actors (linked to client IP)

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Pie Chart
Kill chains Pie chart showing breakdown of kill chain values (linked to client IP)

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Pie Chart
All threat details Detailed information of all threats found in client IP's

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Malware Pie chart showing breakdown of malware types (linked to client IP)

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Pie Chart
note-1624965575450 # All Details The table below shows details of all the threats found, irrespective of the threshold filter applied. Click on the various aspects of these results to drill down into the raw events Note
Introduction to indicators of compromise (IOC) Dashboard Falcon LogScale includes an integration with CrowdStrike's Falcon Intelligence to provide Falcon LogScale customers with a built-in database of Indicators of Compromise (IOCs). Customers can search their logs for matches against the IOC database and see relevant threat information for each IOC found. Find out more. This dashboard takes the c_ip field from both IIS access and HTTPERR logs and checks it against known IP addresses in the IOC database with the ioc:lookup function. Note
IOC matches for referer domain
IOC geolocation Location of client IP addresses present in IOC. Note - location of client IP does not always correlate with actual physical location of user or system

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World Map
Threat types Pie chart showing breakdown of threat types (linked to client IP)

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Pie Chart
Threat relationships Links client IP IOC labels to the different values of each label

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Actors Pie chart showing breakdown of threat actors (linked to client IP)

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Pie Chart
Kill chains Pie chart showing breakdown of kill chain values (linked to client IP)

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Pie Chart
All threat details Detailed information of all threats found in client IP's

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Malware Pie chart showing breakdown of malware types (linked to client IP)

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Pie Chart
note-1624965575450 # All Details The table below shows details of all the threats found, irrespective of the threshold filter applied. Click on the various aspects of these results to drill down into the raw events Note
Introduction to indicators of compromise (IOC) Dashboard Falcon LogScale includes an integration with CrowdStrike's Falcon Intelligence to provide Falcon LogScale customers with a built-in database of Indicators of Compromise (IOCs). Customers can search their logs for matches against the IOC database and see relevant threat information for each IOC found. Find out more. This dashboard extracts the domain from the cs_referrer field of the IIS access logs and checks it against known domains in the IOC database with the ioc:lookup function. Note
Responses over time Breakdown of response volumes by type over time

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Time Chart
Unique visitors Number of unique client IPs visiting server(s)

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Time Chart
World map of visitor locations Location of client IPs. Note location of client IP does not always correlate with actual physical location of user or system

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World Map
Bytes served over time Total volume of data served by web server(s) over time

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Time Chart
Bytes served by media type Relative volume of each media type served - note media type is determined from the URL

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Pie Chart
Requests per second for each server Requests received per second

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Time Chart
Bytes served by media type over time Volume of bytes served for each media type over time. Note - media type is determined from the URL

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Time Chart
Bytes served Total volume of data served by web server(s)

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Web servers List of all web servers

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Total visitors Total number of unique client IPs visiting server(s)

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Visitor insights
Top user agents Top 10 user agents making any requests, irrespective of success or error

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Malicious referer domains Domains that exists in CrowdStrike's Falcon LogScale IOC database. See the 'IOC matches for referer domain' dashboard for more details

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Single Value
Top URLs Most common URLs - counts only successful requests

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Worldmap of visitor location Location of client IPs. Note location of client IP does not always correlate with actual physical location of user or system

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World Map
Top referers The sites referring visitors to your sites

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Pie Chart
Top referers over time The sites referring visitors to your sites

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Time Chart
Malicious client IPs Client IPs that exists in CrowdStrike's Falcon LogScale IOC database. See the 'IOC matches for client IP' dashboard for more details

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