Heroku Log Format

To get logs from Heroku, follow the guidelines to set up a HTTPS Drain.

First, make sure you have a repository ready to send your logs to. Either create a dedicated repository or use your Sandbox repository.

The command to set up logging for your Heroku app is then

heroku drains:add https://$INGEST_TOKEN@$YOUR_LOGSCALE_URL/api/v1/ingest/logplex -a myapp


  • $YOUR_LOGSCALE_URL — is the URL of your LogScale server (humio.example.com)

  • $INGEST_TOKEN — is the ingest token for your repository, (for example, a string such as fS6Kdlb0clqe0UwPcc4slvNFP3Qn1COzG9DEVLw7v0Ii).

Extra: Parsing Heroku Logs

You can configure a parser to deal with the contents of your specific logs. In the example below, the logplex ingester only deals with the log up to the - in the middle. Anything after that is specific to the particular kind of log.

<40>1 2012-11-30T06:45:29+00:00 host app web.3 - State changed from starting to up
<40>1 2012-11-30T06:45:26+00:00 host app web.3 - Starting process with command `bundle exec rackup config.ru -p 24405`

To deal with this, you can define a parser with the name of the application and the process (sans the .3) heroku_${app}_${process} (in this case heroku_app_web). If such a parser exists in the repository, then it will be used to do further data extration in the log's message.

Finally, you can apply a parser by assigning a specific parser to the Ingest API Token used to authenticate the client.