Max disk utilization |
Displays a chart of max disk utilizztion by host and limits
results to the first 25 entries.
Hide Query Show Query #type=beat
| timechart(@host, limit=25, function=max(system.diskio.iostat.busy))
| Time Chart |
CPU usage per host |
Displays a list of average CPU usage per host and limits results
to the first 25 entries.
Hide Query Show Query #type=beat system.cpu.idle.pct=*
| used:=100*(1-system.cpu.idle.pct/system.cpu.cores)
| timechart(@host, limit=25, function=avg(used))
| Time Chart |
File system usage |
Displays a chart of file system usage over time and limits results
to the first 50 entries.
Hide Query Show Query #type=beat
| eval(unavailable=100-(100*system.filesystem.available/ | timechart(@host, function=min(unavailable),limit=50)
| Time Chart |
Out of sync partitions |
Displays a list of out of sync Kafka partitions by ID and
organizes by last selected.
Hide Query Show Query #type = beat
| groupby(, function=selectLast([kafka.partition.partition.insync_replica]))
| kafka.partition.partition.insync_replica = false
| count()
| Gauge |
Load average |
Displays a chart of load average and limits results to the first
30 entries.
Hide Query Show Query #type=beat system.load.1=* | timechart(@host, function=avg(system.load.1, as=load), limit=30)
| Time Chart |
Messages per partition |
Displays a list of Kafka partition messages per partition by
partition ID and limits the results to the first 24 entries.
Hide Query Show Query #type=beat event.dataset = kafka.partition kafka.partition.partition.is_leader=true
| messages_in_partition := kafka.partition.offset.newest - kafka.partition.offset.oldest
| timechart(, limit=24, function=min(messages_in_partition))
| Event List |