CrowdStrike Falcon Spotlight: Overview
Total Status: Open Displays the total number of open status vulnerabilities.

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Start Search Time Start time={{startTime}} Note
Total Status: Closed Displays the total number of vulnerability events with a closed status.

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Top Vulnerable Hosts Displays the top 10 hosts with open vulnerabilities.

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CVE Severity Reported Over Time Displays a chart of CVE severity reported over time.

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Time Chart
Top CVE IDs Shows the top 10 CVE IDs by the number of open vulnerabilities by host.

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End Search Time End Time={{endTime}} Note
CrowdStrike Customer ID Being Searched CID: {{parameters[CID]}} Note
CrowdStrike Falcon Spotlight: Severity Details
High Severity Displays events with a high severity rating.

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Total Critical Severity Total number of Critical Vulnerabilities

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Active Low Severity Vulnerabilities Displays the total count of open vulnerabilities with a low severity

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Top 10 Hosts: Active Low Severity Shows the top 10 hosts with active low severity vulnerabilities.

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Low Severity Shows the count of low severity CVE vulnerabilities within the given time frame.

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Top 10 Hosts: Active Medium Severity Displays the top 10 hosts with active medium severity vulnerabilities.

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Top 10 Hosts: Active High Severity Displays the top 10 active hosts with high severity vulnerabilities.

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Active Medium Severity Vulnerabilities Displays the current number of open medium rated vulnerabilities.

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Stop Search Time End time={{endTime}} Note
Active High Severity Vulnerabilities Displays the number of open high severity vulnerabilities.

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Top 10 Hosts: Active Critical Severity Displays the top 10 hosts with active critical severity vulnerabilities

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Active Critical Severity Vulnerabilities Displays the number of open critical severity vulnerabilities.

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Total Medium Severity Displays a list of all medium severity events.

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CrowdStrike Customer ID Being Searched CID: {{parameters[CID]}} Note
Start Search Time Start time={{startTime}} Note