Package cisco/ios Release Notes

Package cisco/ios Release Notes Version 1.2.0
  • Improves the timestamp parsing.

Package cisco/ios Release Notes Version 1.1.0
  • Improves the field extraction and performance.

  • Bumps the minimum LogScale version to 1.142 to support assertions in yaml files.

  • Sets the event.category, event.type and event.outcome fields based on type of the event.

  • Adds the observer.type and event.kind fields.

  • Dropps the event.provider field.

Package cisco/ios Release Notes Version 1.0.0
  • Adds new event.module and Cps.version fields

  • Removes the Product, related.user and related.ip fields

  • Sets following tags: Cps.version, Vendor, ecs.version, event.dataset, event.kind, event.module, event.outcome, observer.type