Email IOC detections
IOC matches - URLs in email Details of IOC matches for URLs found in email.

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Threat trends - sender IP Number of IOC matches by confidence threshold over time for sending SMTP server IP address.

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Time Chart
IOC matches - sender domains Details of IOC matches for sender domains used in emails

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IOC matches - sender IP Details of IOC matches for sending SMTP server IP address.

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Threat trends - domains of URLs in email Number of IOC matches by confidence threshold over time for domains of URLs found in email.

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Time Chart
Threat trends - sender domains Number of IOC matches by confidence threshold over time for sender domains. This includes only the sender in the SMTP FROM header.

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Time Chart
Threat trends - URLs in email Number of IOC matches by confidence threshold over time for URLs found in email.

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Time Chart
IOC matches - domains of URLs in email Details of IOC matches for domains of URLs found in email.

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Introduction to Indicators of Compromise (IOC) detections Falcon LogScale includes an integration with CrowdStrike's Falcon Intelligence to provide Falcon LogScale customers with a built-in database of Indicators of Compromise (IOCs). Customers can search their logs for matches against the IOC database and see relevant threat information for each IOC found. Find out more. This dashboard checks a number of email attributes against the IOC database with the ioc:lookup() function. Click on the ⫶ button on each IOC detection to start investigating on it. Note
Email forwarding rules
Mailbox forwarding rules - new and updated Newly created or updated Mailbox forwarding rules. The events do not include the impacted mailbox to which forwarding has been applied.

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Event List
Inbox email forwarding rules - updated Updated Inbox rules that forward email. Covers 'ForwardTo, 'ForwardAsAttachmentTo' and 'RedirectTo' rule types.

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Event List
Transport email forwarding rules - updated Updated Transport rules that forward email. Covers rules for 'ModerateMessageByUser', 'RedirectMessageTo', 'AddToRecipients'

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Event List
Transport email forwarding rules - new Newly created Transport rules that forward email. Covers rules for 'ModerateMessageByUser', 'RedirectMessageTo' and 'AddToRecipients'

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Event List
Inbox email forwarding rules - new Newly created Inbox rules that forward email. Covers 'ForwardTo, 'ForwardAsAttachmentTo' and 'RedirectTo' rule types.

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Event List
Email investigation
Recipients Copy/paste a NetworkMessageId into the similarly named parameter, press Apply parameters and the recipients for the email will be shown.

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Blocked emails Summary information for all emails that have a DeliveryAction of Blocked. Note - ThreatType, DetectionMethod and Confidencelevel are not present if the email was blocked by a rule added by customer or user (i.e. only shown for emails blocked by Microsoft rules). To see the details of a blocked message copy/paste a NetworkMessageId into the similarly named parameter, press Apply parameters and the Email summary and Email details widgets will populate with the information for the message.

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Email overview Summary information for all emails. NetworkMessageId is a unique ID applied by Microsoft to each email. Emails to multiple recipients will have the same NetworkMessageId but could have different delivery status per recipient. The Any delivery? column indicates Yes if the delivery status (i.e. DeliveryAction field) for any recipient was Delivered The Any URL clicked? column indicates Yes if any recipient of the message clicked any URL contained within the email. To see the delivery status and any URLs clicked per recipient, copy/paste a NetworkMessageId into the similarly named parameter, press Apply parameters and the details will be shown in the below widget Email details .

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Users who clicked URL Copy/paste a URL into the similarly named parameter and press Apply parameters to see the user principle name (AccountUPN) of the account that clicked the URL, along with the time of click. The widget Recipients of URL will also populate with the NetworkMessageId, URL and recipient email address.

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Event List
Recipients of URL Copy/paste a URL into the similarly named parameter and press Apply parameters to see which recipients received an email with that URL present. The widget Users who clicked URL will also populate with the user principal name (AccountUPN) name of the account that clicked the URL, along with the time of click. Copy/paste a NetworkMessageId into the similarly named parameter and press Apply parameters to see more information about the email the URL came from.

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Event List
Email details To see details for an email, copy/paste a NetworkMessageId into the similarly named parameter, and press Apply parameters. The From row refers to the sender in the FROM SMTP header (which is the sender users will see), and the MailFrom row refers to that of the MAIL FROM header (which is the address the server will use to return a non-delivery report to if the email cannot be delivered).

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URLs in email Copy/paste a NetworkMessageId into the similarly named parameter, press Apply parameters and any URLs in the email will be shown here.

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Seeing email details To see detailed information for an email, paste the NetworkMessageId into similarly named parameter above and press Apply parameters. Note
Seeing details about URLs To see detailed information for an email, type the URL into the similarly named parameter above and press Apply parameters. Currently searching for: {{parameters[URL]}} Note
Email overview
Delivered emails with CrowdStrike IOC detections Looks at the sending SMTP servers, as well as URLs in the email body, to find indicators of compromise (IOC). This widget only looks at delivered emails (to supplement the info on blocked emails above it). If you would like more details on IOC detections in your emails in general, see the included IOC dashboard. The indicators come from CrowdStrike.

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Time Chart
Top sender addresses Top 10 email sender addresses (includes all email)

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Blocked email threats Emails blocked by Microsoft365 because they were determined to be a threat.

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Time Chart
Total email volume Volume of emails by mail flow type/direction.

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Time Chart
Top email sender and receiver pairs Top sender/receiver pairs for all email. Shows the unique sender/receiver pairs of email addresses that exchange the most number of emails (includes all emails - ‘good' and ‘bad').

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Blocked spam mails Displays a list of blocked spam Outlook email by tenant ID.

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Single Value
Top recipient addresses Top 10 recipient email address (includes all email)

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Email threat summary
Email threats over time Volume of email threats, by threat type, over time

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Time Chart
Threat types Breakdown of threats by threat type

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Pie Chart
Top receivers of email threats Top 50 receivers of email threats with the number of threats received

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Total email threats Total number of email threats per day with trend line over the selected time span

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Single Value
Top 10 sending IPs of email threats Top 10 SMTP server IP addresses that are sending email threats identified by Microsoft

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Top senders of email threats Top 10 senders of email threats found by Microsoft

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