Package humio/insights Release Notes
Package humio/insights Release Notes Version 0.0.15
Fix query for Kafka dashboard widgets that didn't take HUMIO_KAFKA_TOPIC_PREFIX into consideration.
Reduced limit on series to 50 on timecharts where the combined Other serie was less optimal. Mostly on percentage charts where y-axis max should be 100.
Added Errors panel indicating where nodes may not be sending logs (for where logs are ingested via a log shipper)
Added Missing Segments widget in Segments And Datasources dashboard to list missing segments ids and when they were last detected as missing
Added thread pool queue widget to Hosts dashboard to show where threads may be getting blocked.
Added #type and #kind filters to the Permissions dashboard to improve query performance.
Added new widget for displaying parser loading lookup table tasks on the Lookup tables dashboard
Remove preset time interval from the Data transferred for files dashboard.
Package humio/insights Release Notes Version 0.0.14
Added Permissions dashboards showing the performance of the permission checking engine.
Added aggregate alerts to Errors dashboard.
Renamed standard alerts to legacy alerts in Errors dashboard.
Change Ingest Partition Changes Query in Ingest Dashboard.
Updated saved query datasourcesHittingMaxAutoshards.
Updates usages of "stat_cpu" to include only the total CPU stats and not include individual core stats.
Package humio/insights Release Notes Version 0.0.13
Fix missing handling of the kind=frontend input events.
Added new data transferred for files dashboard
Fix query for Hosts dashboard Failed HTTP Checks widget
Add support to humio parser for events being forwarded from another LogScale instance in a format that is pre-parsed and already has #kind and #vhost set.
Fix queries matching on specific class names to not include the '$', as we will stop having that in logs from LogScale v1.141.
Package humio/insights Release Notes Version 0.0.12
Modified "Global: Request Per Second" to show recent rate, rather than rate since start of process, in the "Kafka" dashboard.
Added widget to detect Java HotSpot crashes in the Errors dashboard.
Added new Lookup tables dashboard
Package humio/insights Release Notes Version 0.0.11
Replication dashboard widget timecharts now have explicitly stated limits.
Fixed "Humio versions" widget on Hosts also when cluster has mixed versions.
Added two new widgets in the Errors dashboards, showing errors for filter alerts.
Package humio/insights Release Notes Version 0.0.10
Added a Replication dashboard that monitors the decisions made by the segment movement decision engine.
Fixed some queries, which were searching too narrowly on class names
Package humio/insights Release Notes Version 0.0.9
Clicking a parser name in 'Parsers Using The Most Time (Millis)' widget in the Ingest dashboard now triggers a correct search.
Added three new widgets in the Bucket Storage dashboard, denoting the download queue free slots, download queue cap size hits and current segment downloads.
Requires LogScale version 1.67 or later.
All timecharts based on #kind=metrics and #kind=nonsensitive now include minSpan=1m to make them render nicely also on short time intervals.
Many timecharts have had their limit on series bumped from 20, 30 and 50 to 100. This allows more detailed charts for large clusters.
Package humio/insights Release Notes Version 0.0.8
Add new Parsers dashboard. Can be used to see the cost of parsers and if any are being throttled.
Add new widget in the Hosts dashboard, denoting the temp disk usage in bytes.
Add new widget in the Hosts dashboard, denoting the percentage of local disk spent on mini segments.
Add new widget in the Segments and Datasources dashboard denoting the latency between the youngest event being ingested for a merge target and that merge target being merged.