NGINX Server Configuration
This package supports three different types of NGINX log data:
The error logs with default formatting
The default combined format for access logs (though some widgets will be missing data with this format)
A custom key-value based format for access logs
For access logs, the key-value format is our recommended log format, as it both includes all data expected by the included dashboards, but is also the easiest to extend with new data. If you wish to change how the access logs are formatted by NGINX, you can follow the guide below.
If you would like to log more fields or log with a different format, you can see the Extending Parsers for Custom Access Logs section further down for how to change parsers and log formats while remaining compatible with the contents of this package.
Configuring Log Formats
To enable the suggested custom formats please make the
changes as described below. The changes should be made in
the configuration file located in:
Now, configure NGINX to use the defined custom log format.
Use server{ }
tag in http{
tag to configure server.
Define server name, port, access log file name and location of html file.
You can can configure multiple servers in NGINX using
multiple server{ }
http{ }
to Configuring Logging for help with configuring
NGINX logs and to
index for other NGINX log variables.
http {
log_format main 'timestamp="$time_local" server_name="$server_name" server="$host" '
'dest_port="$server_port" dest_ip="$server_addr" '
'method="$request_method" url="$request_uri" userid="$remote_user" '
'status="$status" src="$remote_addr" src_port="$remote_port" '
'protocol="$server_protocol" '
'bytes_sent="$bytes_sent" body_bytes_sent="$body_bytes_sent" bytes_received="$upstream_bytes_received" '
'referer="$http_referer" https="$https" '
server {
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;
server_name server1;
Combined format example:
http {
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
'"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
'"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
server {
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;
server_name server1;