CrowdStrike Falcon Devices: Overview
Mac Devices Displays connected Mac devices by device ID.

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Total Hosts Displays a list of total hosts by device ID.

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Mobile Displays a list of mobile devices, their ID, and the total number of devices.

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Devices in Reduced Functionality Mode Displays device IDs in reduced functionality mode.

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Workstations Displays the number of workstations by device ID.

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Linux Devices Displays Linux devices by device ID.

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Servers Displays a list of servers by device ID and states the number of devices.

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Device Count by Agent Version Displays a chart of device counts by agent version.

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Bar Chart
Devices with Uninstall Protection Disabled Displays a list of devices with uninstall protection disabled by device ID.

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Windows Devices Displays the number of connected Windows devices by device ID.

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End Search Time Start time={{endTime}} Note
Pod Displays a count of pods using device ID data.

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Domain Controllers Displays a list of the number of domain controllers.

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CrowdStrike Customer ID Being Searched CID: {{parameterCID}} Note
Start Search Time Start time={{startTime}} Note
CrowdStrike Falcon Devices: Policies
Start Search Time Start time={{startTime}} Note
Number of Device Control Policies Displays the device control policies in a human-readable JSON format.

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Hosts without Device Control Policy Applied Displays devices without a control policy applied by device ID.

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Number of Real Time Response Policies Displays the number of real time response policies for a given device.

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Firewall Policy Applied Displays a list of devices with a firewall policy applied, organized by device ID.

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Firewall Policy Not Applied Displays devices and their ID information whose firewall policy is not applied.

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Hosts without Prevention Policies Applied Displays a list of hosts by user ID that do not have prevention policies applied.

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Hosts with Device Control Policy Applied Displays hosts with their device control policy applied by device ID.

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Number of Firewall Policies Displays a list of firewall policies by policy ID.

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Hosts with Remote Response Policy Applied Displays a list of hosts with remote respose policies applied by device ID.

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Hosts without Remote Response Policy Applied Displays hosts without their remote response policy applied using device ID data.

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Number of Prevention Policies Displays the number of prevention policies present by policy ID.

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Number of Global Configuration Policies Displays a list of global configuration policies by device.

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Hosts without Sensor Update Policy Applied Displays a list of hosts that do not have an updated sensor policy applied, identified by device ID.

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Number of Sensor Update Policies Displays the number of sensor update policies by ID.

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Hosts with Global Configuration Policy Applied Displays a list of hosts with a global configuration policy applied by device ID.

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Hosts without Global Configuration Policy Applied Displays hosts without their global configuration policy applied by device ID.

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Hosts with Sensor Update Policy Applied Displays hosts with a sensor policy update applied by device ID.

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Hosts with Prevention Policies Applied Displays a list of hosts with prevention policies applied by device ID.

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End Search Time End Time={{endTime}} Note
CrowdStrike Customer ID Being Searched CID: {{parameterCID}} Note