Limits & Standards

This page lists the various limits and standard operating parameters of LogScale. See Best Practice for the best practices relative to ingest via the Ingest API.

General Limits & Parameters

Below is a list of general limits and parameters of LogScale:


Unless otherwise specified, all multiple-byte data sizes in LogScale are expressed in SI units using decimal (Base 10). For example:

  • 1KB = 1,000 Bytes

  • 1MB = 1,000,000 Bytes

  • 1GB = 1,000,000,000 Bytes

  • 1TB = 1,000,000,000,000 Bytes

Description Default Limit Controlling Variable LogScale version
Character set support UTF-16   All
Max number of fields in an event

During ingest, fields are sorted alphabetically by name and the first 1000 fields are parsed, the remainder of the named fields are dropped. Please note that the @rawstring is not modified and will contain all data.

Max event size

When the configured event size max is reached, either in @rawstring and/or in other fields, the overall data will be truncated. Fields will be removed entirely, and @rawstring will be truncated down to the allowed max size with added ... at the end, such that the of all other fields + size of @rawstring is less than the configured max event size. Only @rawstring, @timestamp and @timezone are added when truncation occurs.

Max tag-key size (not configurable) (see Tag Fields) 65535 All  
Max tag-value size (not configurable) (see Tag Fields) 65535 All  
Max JSON file size (see Lookup Files) 100 MB MAX_FILEUPLOAD_SIZE All
Max CSV lookup file size (see Lookup Files) 200 MB MaxCsvFileUploadSizeBytes dynamic configuration. If MAX_FILEUPLOAD_SIZE environment variable is set, its value will be the default. From 1.124
Max JSON lookup file upload size 100 MB MaxJsonFileUploadSizeBytes dynamic configuration. If MAX_FILEUPLOAD_SIZE environment variable is set, its value will be the default. From 1.124
Max query length in characters 66,000   All
Memory limit for the mapper phase of a collect() function running as a top-level function i.e., how much data such a function can store. 10 MiB   From v1.79
Memory limit for the mapper phase of a collect() function running in a subquery, or as a subaggregator to another function i.e., how much data such a function can store. 1 MiB   From v1.79
Max number of events in tail(), head(), and sort() functions. 20,000 StateRowLimit All
Max number of events in an RDNS request. See rdns() function. StateRowLimit Up to v1.136
  RdnsMaxLimit From v1.137
Default number of events set in an RDNS request. See rdns() function. RdnsDefaultLimit From v1.137
Max number of rows that join() and selfJoin() can return. 200,000 or the value of MAX_JOIN_LIMIT, if it has been modified Dynamic configuration JoinRowLimit, replacement for MAX_JOIN_LIMIT environment variable. All
Default value for the limit parameter in groupBy(), selfJoin() and some other functions, when not specified. GroupDefaultLimit has a default value of either 20,000 or the value of the config GroupMaxLimit, whichever is smallest. GroupDefaultLimit cannot be larger than GroupMaxLimit. 20,000 Dynamic configuration GroupDefaultLimit All
Max value for limit parameter in the groupBy() function, meaning that the function can collect up to a million groups. Due to stability concerns this variable will not allow groupBy() to return the full million rows as a result when this function is the last aggregator: this is governed by the QueryResultRowCountLimit dynamic configuration. 1,000,000 Dynamic configuration GroupMaxLimit All (200,000 up until version 1.126)
Maximum number of events processed in a given function 20,000 or the value of StateRowLimit if it has been modified. It is strongly recommended to not change this limit beyond its current default value as the consequences of doing so are cluster instability or cluster crashes. If you experience a lot of query load, particularly from the sort(), table(), head(), and tail() functions, decreasing this limit can help alleviate said load, as it lowers the amount of events those functions are allowed to collect. Dynamic configuration StateRowLimit All
Max number of results that any query can give. 100,000 or the value of StateRowLimit, whichever is largest. Increasing this value beyond the default limit may cause browser performance issues, including memory exhaustion or UI hanging when rendering large result sets. Dynamic configuration QueryResultRowCountLimit All
Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, a historic/static query can consume during its execution. See also LiveQueryMemoryLimit for live queries. 100,000,000 bytes (100MB) Dynamic configuration QueryMemoryLimit Up to v. 1.115
Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, that a worker node can allocate to each historic/static query during its execution. It cannot be configured directly: its value is set by the QueryCoordinatorMemoryLimitconfiguration (see below). See also LiveQueryMemoryLimit for live queries. 1,000,000,000 bytes (1GB) Dynamic configuration QueryMemoryLimit (depends on QueryCoordinatorMemoryLimit) From v. 1.116
Max memory a live query can consume during its execution. LiveQueryMemoryLimit determines how much memory in bytes a live query can consume during its execution. For non-live queries, their memory limit is determined by the QueryMemoryLimit, which is 100MB by default. By default LiveQueryMemoryLimit has the same value as QueryMemoryLimit. 100,000,000 bytes (100MB) Dynamic configuration LiveQueryMemoryLimit Up to v. 1.115
Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, that a worker node can allocate to each live query during its execution. It cannot be configured directly: its value is set by the QueryCoordinatorMemoryLimit configuration (see below). 1,000,000,000 bytes (1GB) Dynamic configuration LiveQueryMemoryLimit (depends on QueryCoordinatorMemoryLimit) From v. 1.116
Maximum memory usage that the query coordinator node can allocate during the execution of a query. This memory limit will, in turn, detemine the limits of the static query state size (QueryMemoryLimit) and the live query state size (LiveQueryMemoryLimit), which are computed based on the value of the QueryCoordinatorMemoryLimit configuration. The memory limits for static and live queries will be computed to 1/4 of the memory limit of the query coordinator. The limits of the static query state size and the live query state size are the state sizes on the workers. 4,000,000,000 bytes (4GB) Dynamic configuration QueryCoordinatorMemoryLimit From v.1.116
Limits for GraphQL queries on the total number of selected fields and fragments. 1000 for authenticated and 150 for unauthenticated users. Dynamic configurations GraphQLSelectionSizeLimit and UnauthenticatedGraphQLSelectionSizeLimit Fom v1.121