Planning Your Deployment

It's worth doing some initial planning before embarking on your own installation of LogScale. You want to make sure your hardware and software resources are sufficient for your use case. You also need to decide on how to architect your system - for example, will you use your own hardware, or used managed services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP)? Will you directly install all required software and attempt to scale your system, or will you use a Kubernetes to orchestrate a container based solution? Do you have existing systems such as a Kafka installation you can leverage, or will you use one of the public managed Kafka solutions?

A summary of options is provided in the following table:

Software Install Option 1 Install Option 2
LogScale Direct install onto physical or virtual servers. A three node cluster is the recommended minimum cluster size. Container, managed by Kubernetes.
Kafka Physical or virtual servers. A three node cluster is the recommended minimum cluster size. Use a public managed cloud service such as Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MKS), or Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka.
Kubernetes (only if using containers) Physical or virtual servers. Use a public managed cloud service such as Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), or Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

See the following sections for more information.

System Requirements

This section gives an overview of the system requirements for building your LogScale cluster.

Planning to install LogScale

This section provides an overview of the installation options and processes.

Capacity Planning

This section provides some general points for consideration when planning the capacity of your LogScale cluster.