Introduced Version1.173.0
Description Allows you to pass configuration parameters to all Kafka clients. Replaces EXTRA_KAFKA_CONFIGS_FILE. If a parameter set here is also set in a client-specific prefix, then this has lower precedence than the others. For example, if you set both KAFKA_COMMON_BLAH and KAFKA_GLOBAL_CONSUMER_BLAH, then for the global consumer, the latter "wins".

Use the KAFKA_COMMON prefix to pass a configuration to all clients. For example, this enables LogScale to connect to a Kafka cluster using SSL and SASL.

Kafka configuration options, such as request.timeout.ms can be passed with the prefix using a simple rewrite:

  1. Write the option name in uppercase (example: REQUEST.TIMEOUT.MS).

  2. Replace . with _ (example: REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS)

  3. Apply the prefix for the target client (example: KAFKA_COMMON_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS)

  4. Pass this as an environment variable to LogScale on boot (example: KAFKA_COMMON_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS=30000)

For a list of all possible Kafka configuration options, see Configuration.

If you want to pass a client-specific configuration, see the KAFKA_ADMIN, KAFKA_CHATTER_CONSUMER, KAFKA_CHATTER_PRODUCER, KAFKA_GLOBAL_CONSUMER, KAFKA_GLOBAL_PRODUCER, KAFKA_INGEST_QUEUE_CONSUMER, or KAFKA_INGEST_QUEUE_PRODUCER prefixes instead. Settings configured using the client-specific prefixes above have precedence if the setting is present with both KAFKA_COMMON and one of the other prefixes. For example, you could set KAFKA_COMMON_BLAH=5 and KAFKA_GLOBAL_CONSUMER_BLAH=10. Then BLAH would be set to 10 for the global consumer, while all other clients have it set to 5.