Introduced Version1.173.0
Description Prefix that allows you to pass Kafka admin configuration parameters to Kafka admin clients.

It's possible to pass Kafka admin configuration properties to LogScale's Kafka admin clients using the KAFKA_ADMIN_ prefix. For example, this enables LogScale to connect to a Kafka cluster using SSL and SASL.

Kafka configuration options, such as request.timeout.ms can be passed with the prefix using a simple rewrite:

  1. Write the option name in uppercase (example: REQUEST.TIMEOUT.MS).

  2. Replace . with _ (example: REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS)

  3. Apply the prefix for the target client (example: KAFKA_ADMIN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS)

  4. Pass this as an environment variable to LogScale on boot (example: KAFKA_ADMIN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS=30000)

For a list of all possible Kafka admin client configuration options, see Admin configs.

If you want to pass a configuration to all clients, see the KAFKA_COMMON_ prefix instead. Settings configured using the client-specific prefixes have precedence if the setting is present with both prefixes.