Switch Kafka using Kraft Mode
There are three options for switching Kafka and ZooKeeper:
Set up a new Kafka/ZooKeeper cluster and re-configure LogScale to use the new cluster.
Delete the Kafka data.
Create new Kafka queues and topics with new names in the Kafka cluster.
The first method is the simplest.
Delete Kafka Data and Re-Use Cluster
You could reset the current Kafka cluster by deleting the data directories on the filesystem on each node. This is the same as starting up a new and empty Kafka cluster. To do this, delete everything inside Kafka data directory.
Create New Kafka Queues/Topics with New Names in Kafka Cluster
Instead of resetting Kafka as described above, you can let
LogScale use a new set of queues in the existing Kafka
cluster. When reusing the same Kafka cluster, LogScale must be
configured with a new HUMIO_KAFKA_TOPIC_PREFIX
detect the changes.
It's important to note that it will not work to delete and recreate
topics with the same names. In that case LogScale cannot
detect the Kafka switch. If Kafka is managed by LogScale
), the new topics will be
created automatically when LogScale starts up. Otherwise you
must create topics externally before you start LogScale.
Restarting Kafka using Kraft and LogScale
Now you're ready to get the Kafka cluster started. Start all Kafka nodes, wait for them to be running and verify the Kafka cluster.
Once Kafka has started, start the LogScale nodes. It's important to start one LogScale node first. This node will detect the Kafka switch and create a new epoch in LogScale.
To verify that the Kafka switch was detected and handled, look for this line in the LogScale debug log:
Switching epoch to=${epochKey} from=${latestEpoch.kafkaClusterId}
- I'm the first cluster member to get here
for this kafka. newEpoch=${newEpoch}
When the first node is up and running and the above logline confirms a new epoch has been created, the rest of the LogScale nodes can be started.
At that point, the LogScale cluster should be running again.
Check the cluster nodes in the administrative section of the
LogScale user interface: