Deprecated in Version1.119
Removed in Version1.173
Description Sets whether the current node should act as a query coordinator
Valid ValuesfalseNode should not operate as a query coordinator
 trueNode should operate as a query coordinator

Deprecated:Deprecated Configuration v1.119-1.172

This variable has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It is replaced by INITIAL_DISABLED_NODE_TASKS.

Removed:Removed Configuration v1.173

This configuration variable has been removed from the system and cannot be used any longer. It is replaced by INITIAL_DISABLED_NODE_TASKS

Whether this node should act as a query coordinator. Query coordinators are responsible for sending subqueries to storage nodes and combining the results. In clusters with "httponly" nodes (as described above), it often makes sense to set this to false for non-httponly nodes.

See ENABLE_QUERY_LOAD_BALANCING and NODE_ROLES for more information.