PDF Render Server Configuration Options

The following properties for the PDF Render container should be configured:

Table: PDF Render Configuration Parameters

VariableDefault ValueAvailabilityDescription
CLEANUP_ACCESS_TOKEN   Cleans up files generated during auto-registration.
CLEANUP_INTERVAL7d  Configures how frequently orphaned files are automatically deleted. Defined using the Relative Time Syntax.
DEBUGfalse  Enables debug logging to provide information about status and process. This may include sensitive information as part of the debug contents.
FORCE_LOGSCALE_BASE_URL   Force the URL to use when communicating with the LogScale cluster. This will be used for connectivity checks and report request results.
MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS   Configures the number of concurrent reports the render service can process. This can be used to help manage the loading of the service.
PORT5123  Port number to listen on for requests
SERVICE_VERSION   Service version number. Used to ensure compatibility with the expected service version for LogScale.