APM - Monitoring
Bytes sent A Timechart depicting the sum of bytes sent in buckets spanning 15 minutes

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Time Chart
Statuscodes Nginx access attempts grouped and sorted by statuscode

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Most visited URL's A table depicting the most visited URL's

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IP Addresses requesting most bytes A BarChart depicting the top 20 IP Adresses requesting most bytes from the Nginx server

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Bar Chart
Responsetime percentiles Nginx response time percentiles as timechart

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Time Chart
Top 5 referring web sites Top 5 referring web sites

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Error statuscode distribution The distribution of error statuscodes over time

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Time Chart
Combined - Monitoring
Statuscodes Nginx access attempts grouped and sorted by statuscode

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Most visited URL's A table depicting the most visited URL's

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Top 5 referring web sites Top 5 referring web sites

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Error statuscode distribution The distribution of error statuscodes over time

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Time Chart