Changing Remote connections
If you need to change a remote connection URL, you first need the connection ID. The API returns it when you first create the connection but you can also get it later by listing the connections for a given view:
query {
searchDomain(name: "myMultiClusterView") {
... on View {
remoteConnections {
... on RemoteClusterConnection {
This will return something that looks like this:
"data": {
"searchDomain": {
"remoteConnections": [
"id": "CW8ppOz5CUfabsT7zB5dKIRs05DqIHuR",
"publicUrl": ""
The connection ID is
. To
then change the connection you can do,
mutation {
updateRemoteClusterConnection(input: {
multiClusterViewName: "myMultiClusterView",
connectionId: "CW8ppOz5CUfabsT7zB5dKIRs05DqIHuR",
publicUrl: ""
This will change the URL of the connection we created before. To verify that the change has been made you can list the connections as we did above or, since you know the ID of the connection, query that specific connection:
query {
searchDomain(name: "myMultiClusterView") {
remoteClusterConnection(id: "CW8ppOz5CUfabsT7zB5dKIRs05DqIHuR") {
... on RemoteClusterConnection {
This will return something like
"data": {
"searchDomain": {
"remoteClusterConnection": {
"id": "CW8ppOz5CUfabsT7zB5dKIRs05DqIHuR",
"publicUrl": ""
You can also change the token this way by setting token.