Falcon LogScale 1.124.2 Stable (2024-03-20)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of Support











TAR ChecksumValue
Docker ImageIncluded JDKSHA256 Checksum

Download: https://repo.humio.com/repository/maven-releases/com/humio/server/1.124.2/server-1.124.2.tar.gz

Bug fixes and updates.

Advanced Warning

The following items are due to change in a future release.

  • Installation and Deployment

    • We aim to stop publishing the jar distribution of LogScale (e.g. server-1.117.jar) as of LogScale version 1.130.0.

      Users deploying via Docker images are not affected. Users deploying on bare metal should ensure they deploy the tar artifact, and not the jar artifact.

      A migration guide for bare metal deployments is available at How-To: Migrating from server.jar to Launcher Startup.

    • We intend to drop support for Java 17, making Java 21 the minimum. We plan to make this change in March 2024.


Items that have been deprecated and may be removed in a future release.

  • The assetType GraphQL field on Alert, Dashboard, Parser, SavedQuery and ViewInteraction datatypes has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.136 of LogScale.

  • In the GraphQL API, the ChangeTriggersAndAction enum value for both the Permission and ViewAction enum is now deprecated and will be removed in version 1.136 of LogScale.

  • The humio Docker image is deprecated in favor of humio-core. humio is no longer considered suitable for production use, as it runs Kafka and Zookeeper on the same host as LogScale, which our deployment guidelines no longer recommend. The final release of humio Docker image will be in version 1.130.0.

    The new humio-single-node-demo image is an all-in-one container suitable for quick and easy demonstration setups, but which is entirely unsupported for production use.

    For more information, see Installing Using Containers.

  • We are deprecating the humio/kafka and humio/zookeeper Docker images due to low use. The planned final release for these images will be with LogScale 1.148.0.

    Better alternatives are available going forward. We recommend the following:

    • If your cluster is deployed on Kubernetes: STRIMZI

    • If your cluster is deployed to AWS: MSK

    If you still require humio/kafka or humio/zookeeper for needs that cannot be covered by these alternatives, please contact Support and share your concerns.

  • In the GraphQL API, the name argument to the parser field on the Repository datatype has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.136 of LogScale.

Behavior Changes

Scripts or environment which make use of these tools should be checked and updated for the new configuration:

  • Ingestion

    • We have reverted the behavior of blocking heavy queries in case of high ingest, and returned to the behavior of only stopping the query, due to issues caused by the blockage. Heavy queries causing ingest delay will be handled differently in a future version release.

Fixed in this release

  • Other

    • Fixed a bug in which the second poll inside the cluster could be delayed by upwards of 10 seconds. This fix ensures that the time between polls will never be later than the start time of the query, this means that early polls will not be delayed too much, enabling faster query responses.