Falcon LogScale 1.119.0 GA (2023-12-19)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of SupportSecurity UpdatesUpgrades From?Downgrades To?Config. Changes?



Available for download two days after release.

Bug fixes and updates.

Advance Warning

The following items are due to change in a future release.

  • Installation and Deployment

    • We intend to drop support for Java 17, making Java 21 the minimum. We plan to make this change in March 2024.


Items that have been removed as of this release.


  • Removed the Asset interface type in GraphQL that Alert, Dashboard, Parser, SavedQuery and ViewInteraction datatypes implemented. It was not used as a type for any field. All fields from the Asset interface type are still present in the implementing types.


Items that have been deprecated and may be removed in a future release.

  • The QUERY_COORDINATOR environment variable is deprecated. To control whether a node should be allowed to be a query coordinator, use the query node task instead. Node tasks can be assigned and unassigned at runtime using the assignTasks() and unassignTasks() GraphQL mutations respectively, or controlled using the INITIAL_DISABLED_NODE_TASKS environment variable.

    For more information, see INITIAL_DISABLED_NODE_TASK.

  • The assetType GraphQL field on Alert, Dashboard, Parser, SavedQuery and ViewInteraction datatypes has been deprecated and will be removed in version 1.136 of LogScale.

New features and improvements

  • Ingestion

    • The limits on the size of parser test cases when exporting as templates or packages has been increased.

  • Queries

    • The worker-level prioritization of queries has been changed. The new prioritization will attempt to divide time evenly between all users, and divide the time given to each user evenly among that user's queries.