Humio Server 1.4.0 Archive (2019-02-14)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of SupportSecurity UpdatesUpgrades From?Downgrades To?Config. Changes?



Available for download two days after release.

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High availability for ingest and digest.

Fixed in this release

  • Summary

    • Emphasis is on efficiency during normal operation over being efficient in the failure cases: After failure the cluster will need some time to recover during which ingested events will get delayed. The cluster needs to have ample cpu to catch up after such a fail-over. There are both new and reinterpreted configuration options in the config environment for controlling how the segments get build for this.

    • Digest partitions can now be assigned to more than one host. Doing so enables the cluster to continue digesting incoming events if a single host is lost from the cluster.

    • Segments are flushed after 30 minutes. This makes S3 archiving likely to be less than 40 minutes after the incoming stream.

    • Clone existing dashboard when creating from the frontpage was broken.

    • If rolling back, make sure to roll back to version 1.3.2+

  • Functions

    • Limit match() / lookup() functions to 20.0 rows or whatever MAX_STATE_LIMIT is set to.