Humio Server 1.2.6 Archive (2019-01-11)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of Support









Available for download two days after release.

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Maintenance Build

Fixed in this release

  • Summary

    • S3 archiving: Include all tag keys in generated file names, also those listed in the configuration.

    • Allow GET/HEAD on elastic _bulk emulation API without auth. Some client poll that API before posting event.

    • Extracting a field from within a tag-field could make the query optimizer fail.

    • When using select() and not including @timestamp, that field got included in exported files anyway. Now it gets included when specified as a selected field.

    • Expose Humio metrics as JMX.

    • Allow both Basic-auth and OAuth on all ingest endpoints. We recommend putting tokens in the password field of the authentication.

    • Expose Humio metrics to Prometheus. The port needs to be configured using the configuration parameter PROMETHEUS_METRICS_PORT.

    • HEC endpoints now accepts input from Docker Splunk logging driver. You can thus get your docker container logs into Humio using this logging driver. All you need to do is add --log-driver=splunk --log-opt splunk-token=$TOKEN --log-opt splunk-url=https://humioserver to your docker run.

    • Calendar in query interval selector had time zone problems.

  • Automation and Alerts

    • Improved detection of alerts that are canceled to get them restarted.

  • Functions

    • stats() function (the [] operator for functions) did not pass on the data used to select default widget.

    • worldMap() function now accepts the precision parameter for the geohash function embedded inside worldMap().