Falcon LogScale 1.75.0 GA (2023-01-31)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of SupportSecurity UpdatesUpgrades From?Downgrades To?Config. Changes?



Available for download two days after release.

Bug fixes and updates.


Items that have been deprecated and may be removed in a future release.

  • The REST endpoint for testing actions has been deprecated. api/v1/repositories/repoId/alertnotifiers/actionId/test() has been deprecated. The new GraphQL mutations should be used instead.


Changes that may occur or be required during an upgrade.

  • Other

    • Java upgraded to 17.0.6 in Docker containers

      Kafka upgraded to 3.3.2 for KAFKA-14379

      Kafka client upgraded to 3.3.2

      Kafka Docker container upgraded to 3.3.2

New features and improvements

  • User Interface

    • Suggestions in Query Editor will show for certain function parameters like time formats.

    • Introduced Search Interactions to add custom event list options for all users in a repository.

      For more information, see Event List Interactions.

    • You can now set your preferred timezone under Manage your Account.

    • Known field names are now shown as completion suggestions in Query Editor while you type.

    • The Search page now supports timezone picking, for example +02:00 Copenhagen. The timezone will be set on the users' session and remembered between pages.

      For more information, see Setting Time Zone.

  • GraphQL API

  • Dashboards and Widgets

  • Functions

    • default() now supports assigning the same value to multiple fields, by passing multiple field names to the field parameter.

    • selectLast() and groupBy() now use less state size, allowing for larger result sets.

    • The performance of in() is improved when matching with values that do not use the * wildcard.

Fixed in this release

  • User Interface

    • Fixed an issue that made switching UI theme report an error and only take effect for the current session.

    • Fixed the UI as it were not showing an error when a query gets blocked due to query quota settings.

  • Automation and Alerts

    • For self-hosted: Automation for sending emails from Actions no longer uses the IP filter, allowing administrators not to put Automation on the IP allowlist.

  • Queries

    • Fixed a failing require from MiniSegmentsAsTargetSegmentReader, causing queries to fail in very rare cases.

  • Functions

    • Queries ending with tail() will no longer be rendered with infinite scroll.

  • Other

    • Unlimited waits for nodes to get in sync has been fixed. This caused digest coordination to fail, to limit the time allowed for a node to get "in sync" on a partition before leadership was assigned to it, in cases where the previous digest leader shut down gracefully.