Humio Server 1.6.9 LTS (2019-11-25)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of SupportSecurity UpdatesUpgrades From?Downgrades To?Config. Changes?



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These notes include entries from the following previous releases: 1.6.8

Bug Fixes and a new background job that reduces number of small files on disk. No configuration changes required, but see changes to backup in 1.6.6.

Fixed in this release

  • Summary

    • New background job: Find segments that are too small compared to the desired sizes (from current config) and merge them into larger files. For COMPRESSION_TYPE=high this will recompress the inputs while combining them. This job runs by default.

    • Improved memory usage from having large global.

    • Segment merge could leave out some parts when merging, leading to segments not on average becoming a large as is desired.

    • Detect when event ingested are more than MAX_HOURS_SEGMENT_OPEN (24h by default) old and add the tag humioBackfill to them in that case to keep "old" events from getting mixed with current "live" events.

    • Support for "sticky autosharding" and listing of current autosharding settings for all datasources in a repository.