Humio Server 1.37.1 GA (2022-02-25)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of SupportSecurity UpdatesUpgrades From?Downgrades To?Config. Changes?



Available for download two days after release.

Hide file hashes

Show file hashes

Minor fixes and improvements.

New features and improvements

  • Falcon Data Replicator

    • Improved performance of FDRJob.

  • Other

    • Added a new system-level permission that allows changing usernames of users.

    • Improved off-heap memory handling. Humio now typically uses only 1 GB on systems with 32 vCPUs, down from typically 16 GB. This leaves more memory for other processes and page cache for data.

Fixed in this release

  • Other

    • Fixed an issue where users could be shown in-development feature on the client when running a local installation of Humio.

    • Fixed an issue where some queries using regex would use an unbounded regex engine.

    • Fixed an issue where QueryFunctionValidator failed giving the error scala.MatchError.