Humio Server 1.8.8 LTS (2020-03-23)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of SupportSecurity UpdatesUpgrades From?Downgrades To?Config. Changes?



Hide file hashes

Show file hashes

These notes include entries from the following previous releases: 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4, 1.8.5, 1.8.6, 1.8.7

Security Fixes

Fixed in this release

  • Summary

    • TCP socket ingest listener would spend a lot of CPU when connected but not receiving any data.

    • Fix security problem. This is a critical update. self-hosted system with access for non-trusted users should upgrade. We follow up with more details when this update has been rolled out.

    • "Export" queries could hit an internal limit and fail for large datasets.

    • Lower ingest queue timeout threshold from 90 to 30 seconds.

    • Major changes: (see 1.7.0 release notes)

    • Fix more scrolling issues in Chrome 80 and above.

    • When a node was missing for an extended period of time the remaining nodes would create smaller segment files than they should.

    • Fix edge case errors in the regex engine. Some case insensitive searches for some Unicode characters were not supported correctly.

    • Fix scrolling issue in Chrome 80 on the Search Page.

    • Other changes: (see 1.7.1, 1.7.2, 1.7.3, and 1.7.4 release notes)

    • New feature for ephemeral servers: Let ZooKeeper assign the UUID that in turn assigns the node ID in the cluster. This is turned on by setting the config option ZOOKEEPER_URL_FOR_NODE_UUID to the set of ZooKeepers to use for this. The option ZOOKEEPER_PREFIX_FOR_NODE_UUID (default /humio_autouuid_) sets the prefix to allow rack awareness. Note: Do not turn this on for an existing cluster. Do not turn on if running older 1.7.x or 1.8.x builds.

    • Avoid calling fallocate on platforms that do not support this (for example, ZFS).

    • The ability to use Bucket Storage providers such as S3 and Google Cloud Storage for data storage.

    • Note: Do not install the Kafka, ZooKeeper or "single" Docker images of this build. Install 1.8.7 or later.

    • Alerts and exports now work on the special view "humio-search-all".

    • Fixed a race in upload of segment files for systems set up using ephemeral disks.

    • The Kafka and ZooKeeper images tagged with "1.8.6" were partially upgraded to Kafka 2.4.0.

    • Bucket storage download could report "download completed" also in case of problems fetching the file.

    • When a merge of segment files fails, delete the tmp-file that was created.

    • Assigning ingest tokens to parsers in sandbox repos.

    • The new feature for ephemeral servers using ZooKeeper to UUID did not properly reconnect when the network failed.

    • Query Quotas limits on the amount of resources a given user can spend. Besides those, there are a number of UI improvements, back-end improvements, and Bug Fixes.

  • Functions