Falcon LogScale 1.82.1 LTS (2023-05-15)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of SupportSecurity UpdatesUpgrades From?Downgrades To?Config. Changes?



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Download: https://repo.humio.com/repository/maven-releases/com/humio/server/1.82.1/server-1.82.1.tar.gz

These notes include entries from the following previous releases: 1.82.0

Bug fixes and updates.

New features and improvements

  • User Interface

    • Improvements have been made on the Fields Panel, that would flicker when switching between the Results and Events tabs and the query was live. It now displays the fields of the aggregated query when on the Results tab, and the fields of the events query when on the Events tab.

  • Queries

    • Added backend support for organization level query blocking. Actors with the BlockQueries permission are able to block and stop queries running within their organization.

  • Functions

    • The match()query function has been improved in terms of speed when using glob as the mode.

  • Other

    • Added optional global argument to stopAllQueries, stopStreamingQueries, stopHistoricalQueries, blockedQueries, addToBlocklistById, addToBlocklist permissions. Default is false i.e. within own organization only.

    • Worker-level query scheduling has been adjusted to avoid long-term starvation of expensive queries.

Fixed in this release

  • User Interface

  • API

    • Fixed an issue with API Explorer that could fail to load in some configurations when using cookie authentication.

  • Dashboards and Widgets

    • The dropdown menu for dashboard parameter suggestions is now faster and can handle several thousand entries without blocking the UI.

      For more information, see Manage Dashboard Parameters.

  • Functions

  • Other

    • Fixed a permission issue for LogScale Self-Hosted having a dependency on the ManageOrganizations system permission, which should not apply to that environment — the ManageCluster system permission in itself is now sufficient for Self-Hosted.

    • Fixed an issue that occurred when creating users: when multiple user creation requests were sent at the same time, multiple users were in some cases created with the same name.

    • Fixed an issue that could cause recently merged mini-segments to be excluded from searches after a reboot.