Falcon LogScale 1.118.0 GA (2023-12-12)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of SupportSecurity UpdatesUpgrades From?Downgrades To?Config. Changes?



Available for download two days after release.

Bug fixes and updates.

Advance Warning

The following items are due to change in a future release.

  • Installation and Deployment

    • We intend to drop support for Java 17, making Java 21 the minimum. We plan to make this change in March 2024.


Items that have been removed as of this release.


  • The deprecated REST endpoints api/v1/dataspaces/(id)/deleteevents and /api/v1/repositories/(id)/deleteevents have been removed. You can use the redactEvents() GraphQL mutation and query instead.

    For more information, see redactEvents() .

New features and improvements

  • User Interface

    • We have improved the navigation on the page for Alerts, Scheduled Searches and Actions and the page is now called Automation.

      For more information, see Automation.

  • Dashboards and Widgets

    • Small multiples functionality is introduced for the Single Value, Gauge, and Pie Chart widgets. This feature allows you to partition your query result on a single dimension into multiple visuals of the same widget type for easy comparison.

      For more information, see Widgets.

    • We have added the new width option Fit to content for Event List columns. With this option selected, the width of the column depends on the content in the column.

    • Event List and Table widgets now support custom date time formats.