Humio Server 1.2.0 Archive (2018-12-11)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of SupportSecurity UpdatesUpgrades From?Downgrades To?Config. Changes?



Available for download two days after release.

Hide file hashes

Show file hashes

Create parsers using Humio's search language. Changes to "Backup" layout.

Fixed in this release

  • Summary

    • In a cluster where any node did not have any digest roles, queries could get polled much too frequently.

    • kvParse() function no longer overrides existing fields by default. To override existing fields based on input use: kvParse(override=true). See docs kvParse().

    • New parsers. It is now possible to create parsers using Humio's search syntax. Check out the Creating a Parser documentation. Existing parsers has not been migrated and it is still possible to use the old parsers. We encourage using the new parsers and will automatically migrate old parsers in a future release.

    • Blacklist queries. In the administration section of Humio it is now possible to blacklist queries. This can also be done from the Query Monitor page, by clicking a query and then block it in the details section, or using the Query Blacklist page directly.

    • The parser overview page now shows parser errors. This is a quick way to detect if parsers are working as expected.

    • The backup feature now stores the copies of the segment files in separate folders for each Humio node. This allows the Humio nodes to delete files that are no longer owned by that node also in the case where all Humio nodes share a shared network drive. This change has the effect that existing backups are no longer valid and cannot be read by this version. Delete any existing backups when upgrading, or reconfigure Humio to use a fresh location for the backups.

    • parseTimestamp() function has changed signature. The parameter nowIfNone has been removed and a new addErrors introduced. This can break existing searches/alerts/dashboards (but the parameter has not been widely used). See docs parseTimestamp().