Humio Server 1.24.3 LTS (2021-05-10)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of SupportSecurity UpdatesUpgrades From?Downgrades To?Config. Changes?



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These notes include entries from the following previous releases: 1.24.0, 1.24.1, 1.24.2

Minor bug fixes.

Fixed in this release

  • Summary

    • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

  • Other

    • Removed the QUERY_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_PENALTY config (introduced in 1.19.0).

    • Fixed an issue on the search page that prevented the event list from scrolling correctly.

    • Major changes: 1.23.0 and 1.23.1.

    • Fixed a bug where ingestOnly nodes could not start on a more recent version that the statefull nodes in the cluster

    • Fixed an issue which prevented Safari users from seeing alert actions

    • Fixed an issue where cost spent in a long-running query got accounted as spent "now" when the query ended in terms of Query Quota

    • Fixed an issue which caused problems with forward/backward compatibility of LanguageVersion in GraphQL

    • Fixed an issue where a repository with very high number of datasources could trigger an error writing an oversized message to kafka from the ingest-reader-leader thread

    • The query scheduler now prioritizes new queries started by a user based on the cumulative cost of recent queries started by that user. Added new config QUERY_SPENT_FACTOR with the default value 0.5, which defines the weight of recent query costs when scheduling. Higher values mean that users with high recent query costs will see their queries penalized harder in the scheduling.

    • Ensure that if the Kafka leader loop thread dies, it kills the Humio process. In rare cases it was possible for this thread to die, leaving the node incapable of performing digest work

    • Fixes an issue where the user would get stuck in infinite loading after having been invited into an organization

    • Fixed a scrolling issues on the Kafka cluster admin page

    • Allow reverse proxies using 10s as timeout to work also for a query that takes longer than that to initialize

    • Reduced off-heap memory usage