Falcon LogScale 1.63.0 GA (2022-10-25)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of SupportSecurity UpdatesUpgrades From?Downgrades To?Config. Changes?



Available for download two days after release.

Bug fixes and updates.

New features and improvements

  • GraphQL API

  • Log Collector

    • LogScale Collector download page has moved into the new top level tab Falcon LogScale Collector Manage your Fleet (Cloud-only).

    • Humio Log Collector is now Falcon LogScale Collector.

    • New FleetOverview functionality for the LogScale Collector 1.2.0 is available.

  • Functions

    • The holtwinters() query function will be deprecated with the release of future version 1.68. From then, it cannot be expected to work in alerts, and it will be removed entirely with the release of version 1.72.

    • The base64Decode() query function now accepts non-canonical encodings.

    • The parseCsv() function has improved its performance, in particular in terms of memory pressure.

  • Other

    • Close all segments a node is working on when shutting down. This should help start later in Kafka after reboots.

Fixed in this release

  • Other

      • Fixed an issue with validations when creating a new Ingest Listener as Netflow/UDP.

      • The form validation for Ingest Listener will now clearly tell the user that the parser needs to be selected when you change between different protocols.

    • Fixed a race condition where the segment top offset wasn't removed when a datasource went idle due to a race. This could result in event redaction not running for such segments.