Humio Server 1.7.0 GA (2019-12-17)

Version?Type?Release Date?Availability?End of SupportSecurity UpdatesUpgrades From?Downgrades To?Config. Changes?



Available for download two days after release.

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Join, Bucket Storage Backend, Query Quotas, UI Improvements

Humio now supports joins in the query language; the functionality is largely similar to what could previously be done by running a query, exporting it as a .csv, uploading said .csv file, and then using the match() function to filter/amend a query result. See Join search function.

Humio now supports storing segment files on Amazon S3 (and Google cloud storage) and compatible services to allow keeping more segment files than the local disks have room for and managing the local disk as a cache of these files. See Bucket Storage.

New LTS/GA Release Versioning

Stable release will have an even Minor version. If Minor is an odd number (like in this release), it is a preview release. Critical fixes will be back ported to the most recent stable release.

To make it easier to integrate with external systems Humio dashboards, can now be passed URL parameters to set the dashboard's global time interval. By passing query parameters ?time=<unix ms timestamp>&window=5m the dashboard will be opened with a 10m time window (5m before and after the the origin specified by time). The feature is not available for shared dashboards - since they do not support changing time intervals.

You can now also disable shared dashboards completely using the SHARED_DASHBOARDS_ENABLED=false configuration setting.

Fixed in this release

  • Configuration

    • Autosharding can now bet set "sticky" which means fixed as set by user on a specific (input) datasource. The API also allows listing all autosharding rules, both system-manages and sticky.

    • Add SHARED_DASHBOARDS_ENABLED configuration setting which allows disabling access to the shared dashboards feature - if your organization has strict security policies.

    • COMPRESSION_TYPE=high is now the default compression type. Clusters running with default configuration, will change to high compression unless the configuration COMPRESSION_TYPE=fast is set.

  • Dashboards and Widgets

    • UI: Allow disabling automatically searching when entering a repository search page, on a per-repo basis.

    • Top Feature: Joins allowing subqueries and joining data from multiple repositories, see Join.

    • UI: Word-wrap and event list orientation is now sticky in a session, meaning revisiting the search page will keep the previous selected options.

    • Upgrading: After installing this version, it is not possible to roll back to a version lower than 1.6.10. Be on version 1.6.10 before upgrading to this version.

    • UI: The time selector on dashboards now allow panning and zooming - like the one on the search page.

    • UI: Improved Query Monitor in the administration section, making it much easier to find expensive queries. See Query Monitor.

    • UI: Add support for loading a specific time window when launching a dashboard, by setting time= and window= in the URL.

    • Queries page removed, and delete and edit saved query functionality moved into "Queries" dropdown on search page.

    • UI: Improve word-wrap and allow columns in the event list to be marked as 'autosize'. Autosizing columns will adapt to the screen size when word-wrap is enabled.

    • UI: Don't show "unexpected error" screen when Auth Token expires.

    • Top Feature: Query quotas allowing limiting how many resources users can use when searching, see Query Quotas.

    • Top Feature: The "Queries" page has been replaced with a dropdown on the Search page, that allows searching saved and recent queries.

    • Top Feature: Bucket Storage with support for S3 and Google cloud storage, see See Bucket Storage.

    • Top Feature: Query errors will now be highlighted as-you-type in on the search page.

    • UI: Ensure counts of fields and value occurrences on the event list are reliable.

  • Functions

    • The implementation of the percentile() function has been updated to be more precise (and faster).

    • New function xml:prettyPrint()

    • New function callFunction(), allows you to call a Humio function by name. This is useful if you for instance want a dashboard where you can control what statistics your widgets show based on a parameter, timeChart(function=callFunction(?statistic, field=response_time))

    • The function top() has a new max=field argument, that can be used to make it work as a more efficient alias a groupby/sort combination, like top(field, max=value, limit=5) is equivalent (and much faster than) groupBy(field, function=max(value)) | sort(limit=5).

    • New function json:prettyPrint()

  • Other

    • Java 13 is the recommended Java version. Docker images are now running Java 13.

    • New stable/preview release versioning scheme. See description.

    • Use case-insensitive comparison of usernames (historically an email address) when logging into Humio.