Adding a Query to the Blocklist

There are multiple ways you can block a query:

To add a query to the blocklist you must be an organization owner.

  1. Go to the Blocklist page.

  2. Click the + Add Item button.

  3. You will be prompted to define the block:

    Query Administration Adding a Block

    Figure 29. Query Administration Adding a Block

    • Select the Pattern Type, either Regular Expression or Exact Match.

    • Enter the matching pattern or exact query into the Pattern box.

  4. Click Next.

  5. You will be prompted to select the repo to which the block applies, whether across the entire organization or only for selected repositories and views.

    Query Administration Adding a Block Organization or Repository Selection

    Figure 30. Query Administration Adding a Block Organization or Repository Selection

    If you select Organization wide the block will apply to all repositories within the organization, including new repositories that are created after you have created the block. Click Block query to continue.

    If you select For selected repositories and views, you will be prompted to select the repositories that you want the block to apply to, click Next.

    Query Administration Adding a Block Repository Selection

    Figure 31. Query Administration Adding a Block Repository Selection

    Select or search for one or more repositories and click Block query.

  6. Click Block Query.


If you cancel the process, you will be warned that the query block specification will be lost.

Queries that are currently running and match the new pattern are stopped immediately and prevented from running until this entity on the blocklist is removed by an administrator.