Multi-Cluster Version Support

The multi-cluster protocol is not compatible across different versions of LogScale. Compatibility between versions is determined by the compatibility of the underlying protocol used for sharing Multi-Cluster search information


In general, you should run the same (major and minor) version of LogScale on all clusters.

Compatibility for multi-cluster search is available where the minimum compatible version is compatible with the cluster where the multi-cluster view has been created. Two versions are compatible if they both have the same minimum compatible version.

Multi-Cluster Compatibility Across Versions

The multi-cluster protocol is not compatible across versions of LogScale. For this reason you must run the exact same version of LogScale on all clusters. The implementation checks that the versions match and data will be omitted from any remote clusters running a different version from the federating cluster.

If an exact version check is prohibitively strict there is a workaround, since we create new releases more often than we make incompatible changes to the protocol. If you set this environment configuration:


Then we permit some version incompatibility as long as we know that the versions are compatible at the protocol level. The way this is implemented is that each LogScale version has a minimum compatible version which is the smallest version that is protocol-compatible with that version. Two versions are compatible if they both have the same minimum compatible version.