
Widgets are tools that enable you to get meaningful results and show data insights in various different forms, all customized according to your needs. Think of them as interactive display templates- you can use prefab widgets or create your own to do anything from counting event occurrences to monitoring server activities using a live data chart.

Available Widgets

Below is a comprehensive list of all available widgets. For more information on a particular widget, including example queries, input formats, or properties descriptions, click on the widget name to be taken to the official documentation.

  • Bar Chart Widget

    Visualizes results of the aggregated data — even the results multiple aggregates.

  • Event List Widget

    Displays data entries coming into LogScale. It's the default way to view data.

  • Gauge Widget

    Displays a single number, a total for a search result (e.g., number of errors for day).

  • Heat Map Widget

    Displays a central variable of interest across two-axis variables.

  • Note Widget

    Can contain usage descriptions, user guides and dynamic links to other systems.

  • Pie Chart Widget

    Views aggregated data, similar to the Bar Chart Widget and shows a visual image of the data as a whole, and proportionally for each component.

  • Sankey Diagram Widget

    Shows results as a two-level Sankey diagram.

  • Single Value Widget

    Displays a single value as the outcome of a search result, can be a number or a non-numeric value.

  • Scatter Chart Widget

    Correlates two or more sets of different numerical values.

  • Table Widget

    Shows the results of a search in a list with labels or field names and values for each.

  • Time Chart Widget

    Displays time series data on a timeline. Used most frequently, working with this widget is a good skill to master when first using LogScale.

  • World Map Widget

    Displays a map of the world indicating values for each location.

Creating Widgets

You can create widgets for your dashboards and change the appearance of existing ones.

To create a dashboard widget:

  • Go to the Repository and Views tab and pick a repository.

  • Click the Query Editor.

  • Enter a query of your choice, one that would best suit your data.

  • Click the Time Selector and choose the time interval. For details, see Changing Time Interval

  • Choose a chart type. If no type is selected, LogScale selects one for you depending on the query you entered (e.g. Auto (Table))

  • Click Run

The graph or table should now be available on the main page. If not, check the time interval you selected. It should be consistent with your dataset.

  • To save your widget, click ‘Save' at the top right of the graph pane, select the Dashboard Widget option, then enter the required information:

    • Dashboard — specify which dashboard to add the widget to. You have the option of creating a new dashboard along with the new widget.

    • Widget — choose whether it is a new widget. You have the option of replacing an existing widget by selecting it from the dropdown.

    • Widget Title — provide a title to the new widget.

    • Widget Description — provide a description for the new widget.

    • Open Dashboard after Save checkbox — click it to have your new widget opened in the dashboard.

  • The widget now appears in the dashboard pane. To resize, move, and drag your widget, click the pencil icon at the top right to enter Editing Dashboard mode.

  • Once your changes are complete, Click Save, otherwise Discard Changes.

Editing an Existing Widget

Once a widget is created, there are several actions you can perform with it. Click the three-dot menu icon ⋮ on the upper right corner of each widget to:

  • Edit in search view — takes you to Editing Widget mode in the Search tab, where you can edit the query for your widget. The query will use the live setting of the dashboard, and the values set in parameters in the query are also carried over into the search view.

  • Styling — opens the Styling panel, where you can modify the properties for a different look and feel of the widget. For details on each widget's specific properties, see Widgets.

  • Interactions — opens the Interactions panel for that widget. See Managing Dashboard Interactions for details.

  • Duplicate — creates an identical widget that will be saved in the dashboard as #2.

  • Remove — deletes the widget from the dashboard.

Creating Widgets with Live join() Functions

There is a known limitation about join() functions that are not supported when running in live queries — the details are explained at Limitations of Live Joins

This limitation causes these queries not truly running live in your widget, but running repeatedly instead, to show results that are as recent as possible.

When you create a widget with such a query, an indicator in the User Interface notifies you on how old the query is — that is, when it was the last time it has been executed (e.g., just now, 1 minute ago, etc):