Query data in the humio Repository
Many of the queries you want to run on the data in the humio repository are included in the humio/insights. This section contains examples of queries that might be useful to run in the humio Repository.
View segment block sizes on a dataspace
class=*SegmentFileImporter* dataspace=$DATASPACE_NAME
| "segment ready for global"
| groupby(dataspace, function=[avg(blocks, as=avg_blocks), percentile(blocks, percentiles=[50]), max(blocks, as=max_blocks), count(as=count)])
| round(avg_blocks)
| sort(dataspace, order=asc)
| rename(_50, as=med_blocks)
| select([dataspace, avg_blocks, med_blocks, max_blocks, count])
The query above, when run with a wildcard (*) for dataspace, gives a result similar to the following:
dataspace | avg_blocks | med_blocks | max_blocks | count |
humio | 808 | 52.65177539243129 | 30767 | 52 |
humio-activity | 6 | 3.9609462244260185 | 12 | 5 |
humio-audit | 37 | 12.040423712553398 | 144 | 8 |
humio-fleet | 16 | 12.040423712553398 | 44 | 11 |
humio-metrics | 62 | 35.98315439448187 | 135 | 12 |
humio-usage | 45 | 12.040423712553398 | 144 | 4 |
Find the unsync partitions in Kafka
kind=logs #repo=humio class = c.h.j.KafkaStatusLoggerJob
| /kafka status topic_name=\'(?<topicName>(.+))\' topic_partition=(?<topicPart>(.+)) topic_leader=(.+) topic_num_out_of_sync_replicas=(?<numUnsync>(.+)) topic_out_of_sync_replicas=/i
// | topicName="global-events"
// | topicName="humio-ingest"
| topicName="transientChatter-events"
| numUnsync > 0
| format("%s,%d", field=[topicName, topicPart], as="name")
| timechart(name)
Monitor S3 archiving job backlog
This query shows a continuously increasing backlog for the S3 Archiving job. Since that job can postpone merges, it can result in disk overflow.
#kind=logs #vhost=* /S3Archiving/i "Backlog for dataspace" | timechart(#vhost, function=max(count))
Show offline nodes
#type=humio #kind=logs class=/ClusterHostAliveStats/ "AliveStats on me" | age > 7200000 /* =2hours */ | timechart(hostId, function=count(hostId,distinct=true), limit=50, minSpan=4h)
Show repositories with ingest greater than 32MB
#kind=req* method=POST //| timechart(status, function=max(contentLength))
| contentLength > 32000000 | len:=contentLength/(1024*1024)
| groupBy("repo", function=[count(), max(len), avg(len)])
Calculate ingest queue average compression
#type=humio #kind=metrics | name=/^ingest-writer-(?<un>un)?compressed-bytes$/
| case { un=* | un:=m1; comp:=m1 }
| timechart(function=[sum(un,as=un),sum(comp,as=comp)], minSpan=1m)
| ratio:=un/comp | drop([un,comp])
This query gives a result similar to the following:
_bucket | ratio |
1732450500000 | 1.608886671332077 |
1732451400000 | 1.6095566354846649 |
Measure ingest latency per host
#type=humio @host=* | name="event-latency"
| timechart(@host, function=[max(max, as=max)], limit=20)
| max:=max/1000
This query gives a result similar to the following:
_bucket | @host | max |
1732450500000 | example.testing:8080 | 1.346 |
1732451400000 | example.testing:8080 | 0.838 |
Measure ingest in bytes
#type=humio | metric_type=METER | @host=?{host=new*} @host=?{host=*} | name=/^ingest-bytes\/(?<dataspace>.*)$/
| timechart( span=60s,
function={ groupby([dataspace, #host], function=avg(m1)) | sum(_avg)},
unit="bytes/sec to bytes/day")
This query gives a result similar to the following:
_bucket | sum |
1732450500000 | 4995149903.207501 |
1732451400000 | 5769455633.238956 |
Measure parser throttling
This query shows how close (in percent) the system has been to start throttling any parser. As long as that is below 100, nothing gets throttled by default.
#kind=logs class=/ParserLimitingJob/ /Top element for parser id=(?<parserID>[^/]+)\/(?<repo>[^/]+)\/(?<parserName>\S+)/
| pct:=100*costSum/threshold
| timechart(function=max(pct), minSpan=10s, limit=1)
Show failed ingest requests that have been throttled
#type=humio #kind=logs statuscode=503 /msg=(?<msg>Ingest parsing exceeded the acceptable amount of time[^\.]+)\. exception/