
Dashboards are an efficient way to monitor event logs using LogScale. Based on frequently used searches, dashboards are composed of widgets, and are created to view server activities in the form of tables and graphs using relevant data. From a dashboard, you can create widgets, filter data, and/or use parameters to drill down to gather more specific data.

Creating a Dashboard

To create a dashboard:

  1. Log in to LogScale's UI, then pick a repository from the Repository and Views tab.

  2. Select the Dashboards tab. Note that if you have any dashboards already created, they will be found here.

  3. Click the New Dashboard button.

  4. In the resulting dialog box, select how you want to create your dashboard:

    • Empty Dashboard creates a completely blank dashboard. This is the default option.

    • Duplicate Existing creates a copy of an existing dashboard, either from the current repository or from another repository of your choosing.

    • From Template allows you to create a dashboard based on a template generated from another dashboard. For more information, see the continued documentation at Dashboards & Widgets.

    • From Package allows you to utilize dashboard templates that are part of approved LogScale packages. For more information on packages, see Packages.

  5. Provide a name for the dashboard.

  6. If you're duplicating a dashboard, click Source Repository or View and select your desired source, then click Dashboard to Duplicate and make your selection.

  7. If creating from a template, drag and drop a file or browse your computer to select.

  8. If creating from a package, first ensure that your desired package is installed.

  9. Confirm your selections by clicking Create Dashboard.

Accessing and Editing Existing Dashboards

To access previously created dashboards in any repository of your LogScale instance:

  1. From LogScale's UI opening screen, click All Dashboards at the top of the screen.

  2. Select your desired dashboard by clicking the dashboard title, found after the forward slash.

  3. The dashboard and all its widgets will appear in the main dashboard pane. Note that clicking the first item redirects you to the query editor in that repository.


To save a dashboard as a favorite, click the star icon. It will appear at the top of the list for quicker access, and will also appear in Starred Dashboards in the main UI.

Editing Existing Dashboards

Dashboards are managed using the icons at the top right of the UI:

  • Edit dashboard— is denoted by the pencil icon, and enters the dashboard's editing mode.

  • Toggle full screen — is denoted by an ‘enlarge' icon, and gives more space to the dashboard area by entering in full-screen mode.

  • Open dropdown — is denoted by a horizontal 3-dot menu, where you can export, rename, delete, and share read-only versions of your dashboard. See Main Operations for more details.

Edit Mode

Entering edit mode for a dashboard will allow you to make changes to a number of different dashboard features. To make changes to a dashboard like how it's organized, how it's labeled, and/or what time frame it covers:

  1. Click the pencil icon.

  2. Select one the icons on the right-hand menu e.g. Time, and change the following as required.

    1. Dashboard is used to set, change, and/or remove the name of the dashboard, and the description

    2. Time is used to change/set the following:

      1. Default Time Settings shows your current time selection, and provides the option to set it as your default. For more information, see ???.

      2. Time Selector Arrows allow you to customize the skip interval being used when shifting an interval to an earlier or later time. To change, use the and > buttons. To use the default, click '-'.

      3. The Time Skip field creates a customized jump size, with the increments in milliseconds.

    3. Styling is used to access the properties panel of a selected widget.

    4. Interactions is used to configure dashboard interactions from a selected widget. See Manage Dashboard Interactions for more information.

  3. Drag and drop the widgets to the required position, or edit them — for details, see Manage Widgets for more information.

  4. Once you are happy with editing the dashboards and widgets click Save, otherwise Discard Changes.

When in edit mode, you can also select:

  • Add Note — adds a Note Widget. Note widgets allow you to use markdown to format the text and add other elements, such as, links to other dashboards and to external web pages, as well as dashboards on external systems.

  • Show Queries — displays the queries used by each widget and edit the query to meet your needs, or, if the results aren't quite right for a widget, you might want to copy a particular query, switch to the Search page and paste it in the query input box there so that you can try modifying it. You can also click the three dots on the widget and select Edit in Search view, as explained in Manage Widgets.

  • Labels — adds or edits the labels assigned to a dashboard.

For more information on how to edit dashboards, visit Edit Dashboards