Activity Log Event Fdr/Ingest

Event for FDR ingest

This activity type records operations for the following features:

Field TypeTypeAvailabilityDescription
bucket   Bucket for FDR events
clientId   Client ID
dataspace   Repository or view name
dataspaceId   Dataspace ID
eventsCount   Count of FDR events
exception   Path of the exception file and the exception message of the event; only for scheduled search events
exceptionCause[0]   Exception that caused the final exception
exceptionMessage   Detailed error message that will include errors at the cluster-level that may have contributed; for example permission, API, or network issues
fdrFeedId   FDR feed ID
fdrFeedName   FDR feed name
fileDownloadParallelism   Number of files simultaneously downloaded
filesMalformedCount   Number of malformed files
filesNotFoundCount   Number of files not found
@id   Unique identifier for the event. Can be used to refer to and re-find specific events.
@ingesttimestamp   Timestamp when the event was ingested to the repository
key   Location of the block loaded when processing bucket data
maxNodes   Maximum number of nodes
message   Message of the alert or event
orgId   Organization ID
@rawstring   Original string of the event
#repo   Repository tag of the event indicating where event is stored
size   Size of the incoming data during FDR ingest
sqsUrl   The AWS SQS queue URL
sqsAckResponse.content   Content of SQS acknowledgement response
sqsAckResponse.statusCode   Status code of SQS acknowledgement response
sqsMessage.body   body of SQS message
sqsMessage.bodyChecksum   Checksum for body of SQS message
sqsMessage.bucket   Bucket of SQS message
sqsMessage.cid   CID of the SQS message
sqsMessage.fileCount   Number of files from SQS message included in the event   SQS message ID
sqsMessage.pathPrefix   Path prefix of the SQS message
sqsMessage.receiptHandle   The receipt handle of the SQS message; the receipt handle is specific to the action of receiving the message and not the SQS message itself
sqsMessage.timestamp   Timestamp of SQS message
sqsMessage.totalSize   Total size of SQS message
streamId   Stream ID
subCategory   Subcategory of the event
suggestion   Suggestion text for how to resolve the error or warning from the event
@timestamp   Timestamp in milliseconds of the event
@timestamp.nanos   Extended precision of timestamp below millisecond
@timezone   Timezone the event originated in, if known. This is often set when the event's timestamp is parsed.