humio-organization-usage View

For Cloud customers, the usage and measurements data for an organization can be accessed through the humio-organization-usage view. The humio-organization-usage view contains data from two repositories, humio-measurements and humio-usage.

The humio-organization-usage view contains logs with information on how much data you are ingesting to LogScale, how much data you have stored, and in which repositories. It also tells you how much data you are scanning when searching through logs.

You can filter the logs by which repository they come from by using #repo field. For instance, to see only logs from the humio-measurements repository, write the following query: #repo = humio-measurements.

The following query in the humio-organization-usage View is visualized on the Usage Page as your license consumption:

#measurement = "processed_events"
| repositoryName="*"
| sum(field = byteCount)

To see usage for a specific repository, replace the "*" with a specific repository title.

If your order form states that LogScale defines data volume as "raw (uncompressed) data ingested by the product", LogScale derives your usage of the license volume from the segmentWriteBytes metric instead. This is the amount of data, in bytes, written to the disk.