The humio-measurements Repository

LogScale logs data volumes in multiple repositories. This information can be used to run audits to see how much data you ingest, which repositories it went to, and how much are you storing.

humio-measurements stores measurements about each ingest event which is used for usage. The humio-measurements repository holds more fine-grained details than humio-usage, but has only 30 days of retention. Data is being logged to this repository once every minute.

Use the repositoryName field to filter the logs by repository.

The table below contains some common fields for all logs in this repository:

Field Example Value Explanation
#measurement ingest_bytes One of the usage measurements. It tells you what this log is about. It can be one of the following: ingest_bytes, segment_save or data_scanned.
#repo humio-measurements Repository the log comes from. It can be one of the following: humio-measurements or humio-usage.

In addition to the common fields, the logs will hold more fields depending on the #measurement field.

The fields that are available when #measurement equals ingest_bytes are as follows:

Field Example Value Explanation
byteCount 963075 The number of ingested bytes.
dataspaceId humio Dataspace identifier of the dataspace into which the amount of data from byteCount field was ingested.
ingestSource appender Ingested data source.
ingestSourceType   Type of ingest source.
repositoryName humio The name of the repository into which the logs were ingested.

The fields that are available when #measurement equals segment_save are:

Field Example Value Explanation
byteCount 963075 The amount of bytes that are stored in the repository of repositoryName.
dataspaceId humio Identifier of the dataspace where data is stored.
repositoryName humio The name of the repository where the data is stored.