Activity Log Event Query

Event for a query

This activity type records operations for the following features:

Field TypeTypeAvailabilityDescription
cancelled   Indicates whether the query was cancelled
#category   Category of the event, such as Alert, Request, IngestFeed, Fdr, Query, Action, and ScheduledSearch
data_scanned   Amount of data scanned in bytes during the event
error   Error message
@id   Unique identifier for the event. Can be used to refer to and re-find specific events.
@ingesttimestamp   Timestamp when the event was ingested to the repository
isLive   Was the query executed as a live query
live_cost   Total live cost of the event
live_cost_minute   Cost per minute of the event
message   Message of the alert or event
orgId   Organization ID
proxy   Was the request made through a proxy
queryEnd   End of the time interval for the query
queryInput   The query that was run
queryStart   Start of the time interval for the query
@rawstring   Original string of the event
#repo   Repository tag of the event indicating where event is stored
#severity   Severity of the event
static_cost_total   Cost of the static (non-live) pat fot he query
@timestamp.nanos   Extended precision of timestamp below millisecond
@timezone   Timezone the event originated in, if known. This is often set when the event's timestamp is parsed.
user   User who runs the query
username   User name
viewId   View ID